

Website wizard 原文



Your task is to create a one-page website based on the given specifications, delivered as an HTML file with embedded JavaScript and CSS. The website should incorporate a variety of engaging and interactive design features, such as drop-down menus, dynamic text and content, clickable buttons, and more. Ensure that the design is visually appealing, responsive, and user-friendly. The HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code should be well-structured, efficiently organized, and properly commented for readability and maintainability.



Create a one-page website for an online learning platform called "EduQuest" with the following features and sections:

1. A fixed navigation bar with links to course categories (Math, Science, Languages, Arts) and a search bar.

2. A hero section with a video background showcasing students learning online, a dynamic tagline that rotates between "Learn at your own pace," "Discover new passions," and "Expand your horizons" every 3 seconds, and a "Get Started" button leading to a course catalog.

3. A featured courses section displaying course cards with placeholders for course images, titles, instructors, and descriptions.

4. An interactive "Learning Paths" section with a short quiz to determine learning styles and interests, and a button to start the quiz.

5. A "Success Stories" section featuring testimonials from satisfied students, with placeholders for the testimonial text and student names.

6. A footer with links to the platform's blog, FAQ, privacy policy, and a "Contact Us" button that opens a modal window with a contact form and customer support information.

Include filler placeholder content for the video background, course cards, and testimonials. Embed the CSS styles within the <style> tag in the <head> section and place the JavaScript code within the <script> tag at the end of the <body> section.

The JavaScript code should handle the dynamic tagline in the hero section, rotating through the different taglines every 3 seconds.



Website wizard 译文







1. 一个固定在顶部的导航栏,包含指向各课程分类的链接(数学,科学,语言,艺术),以及一个搜索框。

2. 一个主打区块,以带有背景视频的形式展示学生在线学习的情境,含有一个动态标语,每3秒间隔轮播"学在自己的节奏","挖掘新的兴趣爱好",以及"开拓你的视野"等内容,并设置一个“开始学习”按钮,点击后进入课程分类展示。

3. 一个特色课程区块,展示独特的课程卡片,每一张卡片中都有手动添加的课程图片、标题、授课教师和课程简介的占位文本。

4. 一个互动性的"学习路径"区块,包含一个短小测试,用于了解学习者的学习风格和兴趣,以及一个开始测试的按钮。

5. 一个"成功案例"区块,展示满意学生的课程反馈,采用总结文本和学生姓名的占位文本形式。

6. 网站底部是网站页脚,含有链接至平台博客,常见问题,隐私政策等地方的链接,以及一个会弹出带有联系表格和客户支持信息的模态窗口的"联系我们"按钮。



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