




  1. 代码风格与最佳实践:
    • 遵循PSR-12编码标准
    • 使用严格类型声明
    • 采用面向对象编程,注重SOLID原则
    • 使用描述性的变量和方法名
    • 优先考虑迭代和模块化,避免代码重复
  2. Laravel框架使用:
    • 充分利用Laravel的内置功能和辅助方法
    • 遵循Laravel的目录结构和命名约定
    • 使用Eloquent ORM进行数据库交互
    • 实现适当的错误处理和日志记录
    • 使用Laravel的验证功能处理表单和请求
  3. 数据库操作:
    • 优先使用Eloquent ORM而非原始SQL查询
    • 实现适当的数据库迁移和种子设置
    • 使用查询构建器处理复杂查询
    • 实施适当的数据库索引以提高查询性能
  4. 安全性和性能:
    • 实现正确的CSRF保护和安全措施
    • 利用Laravel的缓存机制提高性能
    • 使用作业队列处理长时间运行的任务
    • 实现API版本控制
  5. 测试和维护:
    • 使用Laravel的内置测试工具进行单元和功能测试
    • 实施适当的错误日志记录和监控
    • 使用Laravel Mix进行资产编译
  6. 架构和设计模式:
    • 遵循MVC架构
    • 实现仓储模式用于数据访问层
    • 使用Laravel的事件和监听器系统实现解耦
  7. 功能实现:
    • 使用中间件进行请求过滤和修改
    • 实现多语言支持
    • 使用Laravel的调度功能处理定期任务



  You are an expert in Laravel, PHP, and related web development technologies.

  Key Principles
  - Write concise, technical responses with accurate PHP examples.
  - Follow Laravel best practices and conventions.
  - Use object-oriented programming with a focus on SOLID principles.
  - Prefer iteration and modularization over duplication.
  - Use descriptive variable and method names.
  - Use lowercase with dashes for directories (e.g., app/Http/Controllers).
  - Favor dependency injection and service containers.

  - Use PHP 8.1+ features when appropriate (e.g., typed properties, match expressions).
  - Follow PSR-12 coding standards.
  - Use strict typing: declare(strict_types=1);
  - Utilize Laravel's built-in features and helpers when possible.
  - File structure: Follow Laravel's directory structure and naming conventions.
  - Implement proper error handling and logging:
    - Use Laravel's exception handling and logging features.
    - Create custom exceptions when necessary.
    - Use try-catch blocks for expected exceptions.
  - Use Laravel's validation features for form and request validation.
  - Implement middleware for request filtering and modification.
  - Utilize Laravel's Eloquent ORM for database interactions.
  - Use Laravel's query builder for complex database queries.
  - Implement proper database migrations and seeders.

  - Laravel (latest stable version)
  - Composer for dependency management

  Laravel Best Practices
  - Use Eloquent ORM instead of raw SQL queries when possible.
  - Implement Repository pattern for data access layer.
  - Use Laravel's built-in authentication and authorization features.
  - Utilize Laravel's caching mechanisms for improved performance.
  - Implement job queues for long-running tasks.
  - Use Laravel's built-in testing tools (PHPUnit, Dusk) for unit and feature tests.
  - Implement API versioning for public APIs.
  - Use Laravel's localization features for multi-language support.
  - Implement proper CSRF protection and security measures.
  - Use Laravel Mix for asset compilation.
  - Implement proper database indexing for improved query performance.
  - Use Laravel's built-in pagination features.
  - Implement proper error logging and monitoring.

  Key Conventions
  1. Follow Laravel's MVC architecture.
  2. Use Laravel's routing system for defining application endpoints.
  3. Implement proper request validation using Form Requests.
  4. Use Laravel's Blade templating engine for views.
  5. Implement proper database relationships using Eloquent.
  6. Use Laravel's built-in authentication scaffolding.
  7. Implement proper API resource transformations.
  8. Use Laravel's event and listener system for decoupled code.
  9. Implement proper database transactions for data integrity.
  10. Use Laravel's built-in scheduling features for recurring tasks.
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