General Introduction
OpenArt is an AI image generation platform for quickly creating unique art images. It offers over 100 different models and styles for users to choose from, as well as the ability to train personalized models. Whether you're an artist, designer, or just a hobbyist, you can realize creative visuals with OpenArt without any design experience.
Most of the Stable Diffusion features can be manipulated and learned in OpenArt, covering a wealth of scene-based image control applications and workflows.

OpenArt main interface

Scenario-based application scenarios provided by the OpenArt community

OpenArt Hundreds of models in different art styles

OpenArt Basic Creation Interface

OpenArt image editing or live drawing
Function List
Free AI Art Image Generator
AI Video Generation
Multiple models and styles to choose from
Personalized Model Training
Text-to-image function (txt2img)
Image to image modification (img2img)
Interface Control Function (ControlNet)
Image Restoration Function (inpainting)
Image magnification (2x/4x)
Using Help
Visit the official website to learn about different generation models and styles
Use the Help Center for FAQs and problem fixes
Visit the Prompt Book to learn how to create stunning images!
About ComfyUI
Numerous workflows shared by the community
Learning Basic Workflow Configuration
Workflow courses
Running workflows in the cloud (beta)