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Insanely Fast Whisper: fast and efficient transcription of speech to text open source project

General Introduction

insanely-fast-whisper is an audio transcription tool that combines OpenAI's Whisper model with various optimization techniques (e.g. Transformers, Optimum, Flash Attention) to provide a command line interface (CLI) designed to transcribe large amounts of audio quickly and efficiently. It uses the Whisper Large v3 model and is capable of transcribing 150 minutes of audio content in less than 98 seconds. Users can learn more details, installation guides and usage help via the GitHub repository.


multi-speaker recognition is an open source toolkit for speaker diarization written in Python. Based on the PyTorch machine learning framework, it features state-of-the-art pre-trained models and pipelines to further fine-tune your own data for better performance.

faster-whisper + implements speaker recognition, in fact, by simply combining the results of the two

Official Warehouse:


Function List

Audio transcription using the Whisper Large v3 model
Utilizes Transformers, Optimum, Flash Attention, and more!
Provides a CLI interface
Support different optimization types and show benchmarks


Using Help

Installation: Installation and configuration with pip
Usage: Pass parameters and run transcription tasks directly from the command line
Get help: Visit the GitHub repository to read the documentation and talk to the community.项目编写的google colab code

# Installing the necessary libraries
get_ipython().system('pip install faster-whisper')
# Importing the necessary libraries
from faster_whisper import available_models
import torch
import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.display import display, clear_output
import os # Import operating system libraries for handling file operations
import gc # import garbage collection library
# Automatically detects device type and selects GPU or CPU
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
model_size = "large-v2" # Default selection of model size
compute_type = "float16" if device == "cuda" else "float32" # switch to float32 if CPU is used
# Get a list of available models
models_list = available_models()
# Default Language List
supported_languages = ['en', 'fr', 'de', 'zh', '...'] # uses the default list of languages
default_language = 'zh' if 'zh' in supported_languages else supported_languages[0] # If 'zh' is in the list, use it as the default; otherwise use the first value in the list


# Creating a GUI Interface
model_label = widgets.Label('Select model:')
model_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(options=models_list, value=model_size)
language_label = widgets.Label('Language:')
language_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(options=supported_languages, value=default_language)
beam_size_label = widgets.Label('Beam size:')
beam_size_slider = widgets.IntSlider(value=5, min=1, max=10, step=1)
compute_type_label = widgets.Label('Compute type:')
if device == "cuda".
    compute_type_options = ['float16', 'int8']
    compute_type_options = ['float32'] # If CPU, lock to float32
compute_type_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(options=compute_type_options, value=compute_type)
mode_label = widgets.Label('Format Mode:')
mode_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(options=['normal', 'timeline', 'subtitle'], value='normal')
initial_prompt_label = widgets.Label('Initial Prompt:') # New initial prompt label added
initial_prompt_text = widgets.Text(value='') # Initial prompt input box added
file_name_text = widgets.Text(description='File name:', value='/content/') # Allow user to enter file name
transcribe_button = widgets.Button(description='Transcribe')
output_area = widgets.Output()


# Defining the Translation Function
def transcribe_audio(b).
    with output_area.
        print("Starting transcription...")
        from faster_whisper import WhisperModel # Dynamic import of WhisperModel: import when needed to save RAM
            file_name = file_name_text.value # Use user-entered file name
            initial_prompt = initial_prompt_text.value # Initial prompt using user input
            # Ensure document exists
            if not os.path.exists(file_name):: if not os.path.exists(file_name).
                print(f "File {file_name} does not exist, please check that the file name and path are correct.")
            # Getting the selected model
            selected_model = model_dropdown.value
            selected_compute_type = compute_type_dropdown.value
            selected_language = language_dropdown.value
            # Create a new model instance and do the translation
            model = WhisperModel(selected_model, device=device, compute_type=selected_compute_type)
                # Translated Audio
                segments, info = model.transcribe(file_name, beam_size=beam_size_slider.value, language=selected_language, initial_prompt=initial_prompt ) Initial Prompt Parameters Added to #
                # Print Results
                print("Detected language '%s' with probability %f" % (info.language, info.language_probability))
                for segment in segments:
                    if mode_dropdown.value == 'normal'.
                        print("%s " % (segment.text))
                    elif mode_dropdown.value == 'timeline'.
                        print("[%.2fs -> %.2fs] %s" % (segment.start, segment.end, segment.text))
                    else: # subtitle
                        start_time = "{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d},{:03d}".format(int(segment.start // 3600), int((segment.start % 3600) // 60), int(segment.start % 60), int((segment.start % 1) * 1000))
                        end_time = "{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d},{:03d}".format(int(segment.end // 3600), int((segment.end % 3600) // 60), int(segment.end % 60), int((segment. segment.end % 1) * 1000))
                        print("%d\n%s --> %s\n%s\n" % (, start_time, end_time, segment.text))
                # Delete model instance to free RAM
                del model
        except Exception as e.
            print("An error occurred during transcription:")
            # Calling Garbage Collection
        print("Transcription complete.")


# Assembly GUI Interface
display(model_label, model_dropdown, language_label, language_dropdown, beam_size_label, beam_size_slider, compute_type_label, compute_ type_dropdown, mode_label, mode_dropdown, initial_prompt_label, initial_prompt_text, file_name_text, transcribe_button, output_area)
Example of Recognizing Multi-Speaker Codes

from pyannote.core import Segment

def get_text_with_timestamp(transcribe_res).
timestamp_texts = [] for item in transcribe_res:
start = item.start
end = item.end
text = item.text.strip()
timestamp_texts.append((Segment(start, end), text))
return timestamp_texts

def add_speaker_info_to_text(timestamp_texts, ann).
spk_text = [] for seg, text in timestamp_texts:
spk = ann.crop(seg).argmax()
spk_text.append((seg, spk, text))
return spk_text

def merge_cache(text_cache).
sentence = ''.join([item[-1] for item in text_cache])
spk = text_cache[0][1] start = round(text_cache[0][0].start, 1)
end = round(text_cache[-1][0].end, 1)
return Segment(start, end), spk, sentence

PUNC_SENT_END = [',', '.' , '? , '!' , ",", "." , "?" , "!"]

def merge_sentence(spk_text).
merged_spk_text = [] pre_spk = None
text_cache = [] for seg, spk, text in spk_text:
if spk ! = pre_spk and pre_spk is not None and len(text_cache) > 0:.
text_cache = [(seg, spk, text)] pre_spk = spk

elif text and len(text) > 0 and text[-1] in PUNC_SENT_END:
text_cache.append((seg, spk, text))
text_cache = [] pre_spk = spk
text_cache.append((seg, spk, text))
pre_spk = spk
if len(text_cache) > 0.
return merged_spk_text

def diarize_text(transcribe_res, diarization_result)::
timestamp_texts = get_text_with_timestamp(transcribe_res)
spk_text = add_speaker_info_to_text(timestamp_texts, diarization_result)
res_processed = merge_sentence(spk_text)
return res_processed

def write_to_txt(spk_sent, file).
with open(file, 'w') as fp.
for seg, spk, sentence in spk_sent.
line = f'{seg.start:.2f} {seg.end:.2f} {spk} {sentence}\n'


import torch
import whisper
import numpy as np
from pydub import AudioSegment
from loguru import logger
from faster_whisper import WhisperModel
from import Pipeline
from import Audio

from common.error.import ErrorCode

model_path = config["asr"]["faster-whisper-large-v3"]

# Test Audio:
audio = ". /test/asr/data/asr_speaker_demo.wav"
asr_model = WhisperModel(model_path, device="cuda", compute_type="float16")
spk_rec_pipeline = Pipeline.from_pretrained("pyannote/speaker-diarization-3.1", use_auth_token="your huggingface token")"cuda"))

asr_result, info = asr_model.transcribe(audio, language="zh", beam_size=5)
diarization_result = spk_rec_pipeline(audio)

final_result = diarize_text(asr_result, diarization_result)
for segment, spk, sent in final_result:
print("[%.2fs -> %.2fs] %s %s" % (segment.start, segment.end, sent, spk))


Related resources

Main project:

Short code:

Tube video to subtitles:

Fast Whisper real-time voice transcription:


One-click installation package

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