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Doughnut Translator: OCR-based raw meat translation for images and videos

General Introduction

Tuanzi Translator is a translation software developed by Personal Interest that uses OCR technology to recognize text and provide real-time translation. It contains multiple translation sources, supports offline and online OCR, and offers features such as image translation. The software uses the LGPL-2.1 open source protocol and the latest version is 4.5.8, available for download on GitHub.



Doughnut Translation Effect



Doughnut Translation Setup



Function List

OCR text recognition and real-time translation function
Supports multiple translation sources and OCR technology
User account system with cloud configuration saving
Picture translation, word elimination, embedded word function
Text stroke and color customization
Translation history management and touch-ups



Using Help

Installation tutorials and documentation provide comprehensive guidance
Update Log Help Tracking Software New Features
Official website and GitHub provide software download channels
Settings interface allows users to customize personalization options


Real-time translation function for game subtitle framing:




download address

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May not be reproduced without permission:Chief AI Sharing Circle " Doughnut Translator: OCR-based raw meat translation for images and videos