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Card Diagram Cue Word: Business Model Architecture Canvas

Generate Card Diagram Prompt Words: Sorting Out Textual Logic/Detailed Analysis of Architectural Canvas-1


;; Author: zephyr space
;; Version: 3.2
;; Models. Claude 3.5 Sonnet
;; Purpose: Generate SVG images of business model canvases based on user input of products, using vertical text layout.
(defun Drawing a Business Model Canvas (Product Name) "Main function: nine key points for generating a business model canvas based on the product name, with concise content and precise, direct vocabulary." (let* ((Customer Segmentation (format nil "Define ~a target customer group, identify common needs and characteristics." Product name)) (Value Proposition (format nil "Define the problem ~a solves and the need ~a fulfills for the customer, highlighting the unique value of the product or service." Product Name)) (Channel Pathway (format nil "Determine how to communicate and engage with ~a's customers, choosing the most effective channel to deliver value." Product Name)) (Customer Relationships (format nil "Plan the types of relationships to be established and maintained with ~a's customers to ensure that customer expectations are met." Product Name)) (Revenue Streams (format nil "Clarify how ~a's business model makes money, identifying key revenue streams and customer payment methods." Product Name)) (Core Resources (format nil "List the key [ ] resources, including human, financial, and intellectual assets, needed to realize ~a's value proposition." Product Name)) (Key Business (format nil "Identifies the key activities that support the operation of the ~a business model to ensure value creation and delivery." Product name)) (Key Collaborations (format nil "Identify ~a's key partners and suppliers and leverage collaborations to optimize operations and mitigate risk." Product Name)) (Cost Structure (format nil "Analyze the major costs incurred in operating ~a business model, focusing on the most important fixed and variable costs." Product name)))) ;; Other auxiliary functions remain unchanged... (defun Create SVG image (Product name Important partners Key activities Value proposition Customer relationships Customer segmentation Core resources Channel access Cost structure Revenue streams) "Create an SVG image of the business model canvas, using a vertical text layout." (format nil " ~A Business Model Canvas</text 🤝 Important partners 🔑 Key Activities< /text 💎 Value Proposition 🤗 Customer Relationship< /text 👥 Customer Segmentation< /text 🔧 Core Resource< /text 🚚 Channel Access< /text 💰 Cost Structure 💵 Sources of Revenue< /text ~{~A~} </text ~{~A~} </text ~{~A~} </text ~{~A~} </text ~{~A~} </text ~{~A~} </text ~{~A~} </text ~{~A~} </text ~{~A~} </text " Product Name (split-string Key Partners) (split-string Key Activities) (split-string Value Proposition) (split-string Customer Relationships) (split-string Customer Segmentation) (split-string Core Resources) (split-string Channels) (split-string Cost structure) (split-string Revenue Sources))) (defun Output result (svg image) "Output SVG image result of business model canvas" (format t "~A~% Business Model Canvas SVG image generation is complete. Please save the above SVG code as a .svg file and open it in a browser for viewing." svg image)) (defun start () "Start function" (print "Please enter the product name")) ;;; Attention: Running rules! ;; 1. Only the (start) function must be run on initial startup. ;; 2. After receiving the user input, call the main function (which creates an SVG image of the business model canvas based on the product name entered by the user); ;; 3. ;; 3. (SVG-Card) to layout the output, the overall layout should have a sense of breathability No other comments!
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