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Scraperr: self-hosted web data scraping tool

General Introduction

Scraperr is a self-hosted web data scraping tool that allows users to specify XPath elements to scrape web data. Users submit a URL and corresponding crawling elements, and the results are displayed in a table that can be downloaded as an Excel file.Scraperr supports user login to manage crawling tasks, and provides log viewing and statistics.



Function List

  • Submit and queue URLs for web crawling
  • Adding and Managing Crawl Elements with XPath
  • Crawl all pages under the same domain name
  • Add custom JSON headers to send requests
  • Displaying the results of the grabbed data
  • Download the CSV file containing the results
  • Rerun the capture task
  • Viewing the status of queued tasks
  • Favorites and View Favorite Tasks
  • User login/registration to organize tasks
  • View Application Logs
  • View Task Statistics
  • AI integration to support the inclusion of crawl results in the context of conversations


Using Help

Installation process

  1. Cloning Warehouse:
    git clone
  2. Setting environment variables and tags: In the docker-compose.yml file to set environment variables and tags, for example:
    - "traefik.enable=true"
    - "traefik.http.routers.scraperr.rule=Host(`localhost`)"
    - "traefik.http.routers.scraperr.entrypoints=web"
    - MONGODB_URI=mongodb://root:example@webscrape-mongo:27017
    - SECRET_KEY=your_secret_key
  3. Start the service:
    docker-compose up -d

Usage Process

  1. Submit URL for crawling::
    • After logging in to Scraperr, go to the Scraping Tasks page.
    • Enter the URL to be crawled and the corresponding XPath element.
    • After submitting a task, the system will automatically queue it and start capturing it.
  2. Managing Crawl Elements::
    • On the crawl task page, you can add, edit, or delete XPath elements.
    • Supports crawling all pages under the same domain.
  3. View Crawl Results::
    • Once the crawl is complete, the results will be displayed in a table.
    • The user can download a CSV file containing the results or choose to re-run the task.
  4. task management::
    • Users can view the status of queued tasks, favorite and view favorite tasks.
    • Provides the Task Statistics view, which displays statistics of the run tasks.
  5. Log View::
    • On the Application Logs page, users can view the system logs for detailed information about the capture task.
  6. AI Integration::
    • Support for incorporating crawl results into dialog context, currently supports Ollama and OpenAI.
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