AI Personal Learning
and practical guidance


General Introduction



Function List

  • Multi-model support:兼容OpenAI、Gemini、Groq等多种生成式AI模型。
  • 类型安全:使用Pydantic进行结构化响应验证,确保数据类型安全。
  • 依赖注入系统:提供类型安全的依赖注入,便于测试和迭代开发。
  • Streaming Response:支持流式响应和验证,提高应用响应速度和可靠性。
  • Logfire集成:用于调试和监控生成式AI应用的性能和行为。
  • 简单接口:提供简洁的接口,便于扩展和集成其他模型。


Using Help

Installation process

  1. 安装PydanticAI:确保Python版本为3.9及以上,使用以下命令安装PydanticAI:
   pip install pydantic-ai
  1. Installation of dependencies:PydanticAI依赖于一些核心库和LLM API,安装时会自动处理这些依赖。

Guidelines for use


  1. 定义代理:创建一个简单的代理并指定使用的模型。
   from pydantic_ai import Agent
agent = Agent(
system_prompt='Be concise, reply with one sentence.',
  1. Running Agents:同步运行代理,进行简单的对话。
   result = agent.run_sync('Where does "hello world" come from?')


  1. 定义依赖和结果模型:使用Pydantic定义依赖和结果模型。
   from dataclasses import dataclass
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from pydantic_ai import Agent, RunContext
from bank_database import DatabaseConn
class SupportDependencies:
customer_id: int
db: DatabaseConn
class SupportResult(BaseModel):
support_advice: str = Field(description='Advice returned to the customer')
block_card: bool = Field(description="Whether to block the customer's card")
risk: int = Field(description='Risk level of query', ge=0, le=10)
  1. 创建支持代理:定义系统提示和工具函数。
   support_agent = Agent(
'You are a support agent in our bank, give the '
'customer support and judge the risk level of their query.'
async def add_customer_name(ctx: RunContext[SupportDependencies]) -> str:
customer_name = await ctx.deps.db.customer_name(id=ctx.deps.customer_id)
return f"The customer's name is {customer_name!r}"
async def customer_balance(ctx: RunContext[SupportDependencies], include_pending: bool) -> float:
"""Returns the customer's current account balance."""
return await ctx.deps.db.customer_balance(id=ctx.deps.customer_id, include_pending=include_pending)
  1. 运行支持代理:使用定义的依赖运行代理。
   async def main():
deps = SupportDependencies(customer_id=123, db=DatabaseConn())
result = await'What is my balance?', deps=deps)
# 输出示例:support_advice='Hello John, your current account balance, including pending transactions, is $123.45.' block_card=False risk=1
result = await'I just lost my card!', deps=deps)
# 输出示例:support_advice="I'm sorry to hear that, John. Your card has been blocked for security reasons." block_card=True risk=7

Debugging and Monitoring




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May not be reproduced without permission:Chief AI Sharing Circle " PydanticAI:使用Pydantic构建生成式AI应用,让构建生产级AI应用更加简单

Chief AI Sharing Circle

Chief AI Sharing Circle specializes in AI learning, providing comprehensive AI learning content, AI tools and hands-on guidance. Our goal is to help users master AI technology and explore the unlimited potential of AI together through high-quality content and practical experience sharing. Whether you are an AI beginner or a senior expert, this is the ideal place for you to gain knowledge, improve your skills and realize innovation.

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