Reference Implementation Server
- Filesystem - Provides secure file operations with configurable access control
- GitHub - Repository management, file manipulation and GitHub API integration
- GitLab - GitLab API for project management
- Git - Tools for reading, searching, and manipulating Git repositories
- Google Drive - Provides file access and search capabilities of Google Drive
- PostgreSQL - Read-only database access with support for schema checking
- Sqlite - Database interaction and business intelligence functions
- Slack - Provides channel management and messaging functions
- Sentry - For retrieving and analyzing questions from
- Memory - A knowledge graph-based persistent memory system
- Puppeteer - Browser automation and web crawling
- Brave Search - Web and Local Search with the Brave Search API
- Google Maps - Provision of location services, route planning and location details
- Fetch - Fetching web content and transforming it to improve the use of large language models
Community Server
- Cloudflare - Interactive Cloudflare Service
- OpenAI - utilization MCP protocol directly from the Claude Querying OpenAI Models
- Kagi - Integration with Kagi Search API
- Exa - Exa AI Search API
- Phabricator - Interactive Phabricator API
- Obsidian - Interacting with Obsidian via the REST API
- YouTube - Get YouTube subtitles
- MCP Installer - Setting up the MCP server in Claude Desktop
- Notion - integrated (as in integrated circuit) Notion API for managing personal to-do lists
- Bluesky - Integration with Bluesky API to query and search news and posts