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InsightFace: Image Face Swap Function with Face Cloning

InsightFace General Introduction


InsightFace is an open source 2D and 3D deep facial analysis library that provides a variety of advanced facial recognition, detection and alignment algorithms. Designed with efficient training and deployment in mind, the library is suitable for both research organizations and industry.InsightFace supports Python 3.6 or higher and can be easily installed via pip. The website also provides a web demo and REST API for easy user experience and deployment.



facial recognition



facial exchange



InsightFace Feature List


Efficient 2D & 3D Face Detection and Recognition Algorithm
Face Alignment Function
Multiple datasets and task support
Optimization of industrial grade and research use
GPU and CPU reasoning
Provision of pre-trained models for non-commercial research purposes
Multi-language development environment support, including MXNet and PyTorch



InsightFace Help


Visit the website for more information and detailed documentation
Installing Python packages via pip
Refer to the quick start guide on GitHub for setup and testing



InsightFace Face Swap Description


🤖 Step 1: Invite the bot to your server

To start your face morphing adventure, the first step is to invite the Picsi.Ai robot to your Discord server:

首席AI分享圈This content has been hidden by the author, please enter the verification code to view the content
Please pay attention to this site WeChat public number, reply "CAPTCHA, a type of challenge-response test (computing)", get the verification code. Search in WeChat for "Chief AI Sharing Circle"or"Looks-AI"or WeChat scanning the right side of the QR code can be concerned about this site WeChat public number.

After completing these steps, "InsightFaceSwap" will appear in your server's member list, ready and prepared for action!



📸 Step 2: Register Your Source Face Photo

Your facial morphing journey begins with the registration of a source facial photo:

1. Photo preparation: Take a high-quality frontal photo without glasses, bangs, or filters. Make sure the photo is well lit, with your chin slightly elevated, and avoid side or angle shots taken from below or above to ensure accuracy.
2. Registration Photo: Use the `/saveid` command followed by the unique identifier of your photo:

/saveid mysaveface [附加源面部图片]

Attach the selected photo when sending this command.mysaveface It should be a unique name limited to a maximum of 10 characters of letters/numbers. The robot will confirm successful registration.

3. Photo Registration Restrictions::

  • Free Membership: Up to 20 source facial photos can be registered.
  • Paid Membership (Basic, Pro, or Super): Ability to register up to 60 source facial photos.


🪄🎭 Step 3: Morph your face

To morph the face to an image of your choice:

1. Selecting the target image: Use MidJourney Generate an image, or manually upload an image with human facial features to your private Discord server channel. Use Discord's '+' to upload your target image.
2. course of deformation::

  • INSwapper method: For simplicity, right-click on the image and select the Apps ▶ INSwapper. This will morph the source face you selected onto the target image.
  • Command method: Or, attach a target image and use `/swapid` and the name of the face you registered:
/swapid mysaveface [附加目标图片]

3. Use of credit for free users: If you are a free user and the target image is not from MidJourney, each morph will consume 3 credits.
4. Receive distorted image: After submitting your request via the INSwapper or /swapid commands, the robot will quickly deliver the morphed image.For free users, the robot automatically morphs the largest face in a multi-face image. Paid members can control which faces are deformed and can deform up to four faces in a single image.


🚀 Picsi.Ai - essential commands and tips 🚀

How to view the name of the source facial photo you registered with

in the end: Displays the name of the source facial photo you signed up for, your currently selected source facial photo, and your subscription status.
Key Tips: This command lists only the names of your photos.Picsi.Ai retains a mathematical representation of your source facial features, not the original image, so you cannot view these photos in our system.


Steps to Delete Registered Source Facial Photos

Delete specific photos::
command::/delid example1(Please note: this operation is not reversible.)
functionality: Deletes a single registered source face photo.
Delete all photos at once::
command::/delall(Note: This operation is not reversible.)
functionality: Clear all your registered source facial photos.


🤳🏽🖼️ Improve your source face photo

Tips for getting the best quality photos

  • resolution (of a photo): Choose a high-resolution front view photo. It should not be taken from your side or from below or from above.
  • clear view: Avoid glasses, bangs, or hairstyles that cover the face.
  • facial expression: Maintain a neutral expression with your chin slightly raised.
  • contexts: Simple backgrounds work best.
  • illumination: Ensure that the photo is bright and evenly illuminated.


After visiting the link you need to add the discord bot to your own channel



This is the original face transplant.


May not be reproduced without permission:Chief AI Sharing Circle " InsightFace: Image Face Swap Function with Face Cloning