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Free Public APIs: a collection of 200+ free public APIs for AI empowerment

General Introduction

FreePublicAPIs is a website designed for students and developers that provides a collection of 137 free public APIs. These APIs cover a wide range of fields from weather forecasting to social media data, helping users to easily integrate and use these APIs in their projects.The website tests these APIs on a daily basis to ensure their usability and stability.

Free Public APIs:为AI赋能的200+免费公共API集合-1


Function List

Provides 200+ free public APIs
Daily API Health Check
API collections for various domains (e.g. weather, social media, data analytics, etc.)
API Documentation and Usage Examples


Using Help

Visit the homepage and browse the API listings
Click on the API of interest to see detailed documentation and usage examples
Integrate the API into your project according to the instructions in the documentation
Check API health status daily to ensure API stability

May not be reproduced without permission:Chief AI Sharing Circle " Free Public APIs: a collection of 200+ free public APIs for AI empowerment