General Introduction
Eko is a production-grade JavaScript framework designed to build efficient intelligent agent workflows through natural language descriptions. It is designed to enable developers to automate everyday tasks using AI technologies without deep programming.Eko provides a unified interface that supports running intelligent agent workflows in both computer and browser environments, suitable for tasks such as data collection, analysis and report generation. By providing AI-driven workflow generation and execution capabilities, Eko helps users to dramatically increase productivity and reduce time spent on manual tasks.Eko allows offline planning to be separated from execution, creating reusable and modifiable task schedules, ensuring more reliable and flexible automation.
Function List
- Workflow generation: Generate complex workflow scripts through natural language commands.
- Browser Automation: Supports automated tasks such as searching, data extraction, etc. in a browser environment.
- system operation: Ability to create and manage system level tasks such as file management and directory operations.
- API integration: Seamless integration with other services and APIs to extend workflow functionality.
- hierarchical planning: Allows offline planning to be separated from execution, creating reusable and modifiable task plans.
- hook system: During production, the hook system allows for real-time monitoring of task execution and can perform manual or AI interventions to adjust behavior.
- code execution: Execute code written in JavaScript, Python, and many other languages in the generated workflow.
Using Help
Installation process
- Install Eko::
npm install @eko-ai/eko
- Importing Eko Modules::
import { Eko } from '@eko-ai/eko'; const eko = new Eko({ apiKey: 'your_anthropic_api_key' });
usage example
Browser Automation
- Generating workflows::
const extWorkflow = await eko.generate("搜索'Eko框架'并保存第一个结果");
- Implementation workflow::
await eko.execute(extWorkflow);
system operation
- Generating workflows::
const sysWorkflow = await eko.generate("创建一个名为'reports'的新文件夹并将所有PDF文件移动到该文件夹");
- Implementation workflow::
await eko.execute(sysWorkflow);
Detailed function operation flow
- Natural language generation and modification workflows::
- Use natural language to describe tasks such as "search for competitors based on the README on GitHub, highlight Eko's key contributions, write an advertorial blog and post it to".
- Eko automatically breaks down tasks into executable workflows and allows for further modifications.
- Multi-platform support::
- Eko is compatible with all platforms and can be run server-side and in the browser without additional configuration.
- Efficient development::
- Provide a variety of built-in tools, such as command execution, data capture, etc., to simplify the development process.
- Visualizing Interaction Element Perception::
- With VIEP technology, Eko is able to efficiently process web page elements, reduce token usage and improve task execution efficiency.
- hook system::
- Set hooks before and after task execution to monitor task status in real time and allow manual or AI intervention to ensure successful task completion.
The Eko framework helps developers easily build and manage complex automated workflows with the above features, improving development efficiency and flexibility. /n