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AI Hive: A Versatile Java-based AI Chat Integration Platform

General Introduction

AI Beehive (ai-beehive) is a multifunctional AI platform built on Java with Spring Boot 3 and JDK 17. The project integrates a variety of AI technologies, including ChatGPT, OpenAI image generation, Midjourney, NewBing, and Baidu Wenxin Yiyin, etc., aiming to provide a modular, scalable AI application development environment.

AI蜂巢:基于 Java 的多功能 AI聊天集成平台-1


AI蜂巢:基于 Java 的多功能 AI聊天集成平台-1


Function List

  • ChatGPT Integration: Support for OpenAI GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 models.
  • Image Generation: Integration of OpenAI Image and Midjourney Image generation function.
  • Intelligent Search: Supports the NewBing intelligent search engine.
  • in a word: Integrate Baidu's Wenshin Yiyin dialog function.
  • user management: Support mailbox registration and login, permission verification and user status management.
  • Drawing management: Modular management of different AI functions through drawing configuration.
  • privilege control: Functional control based on drawing status and user rights.
  • Configuration Item Management: Supports database maintenance and permission setting for drawing configuration items.


Using Help

Installation and Configuration

  1. environmental preparation::
    • Install MySQL and Redis.
    • Ensure that JDK 17 and Maven are installed on your system.
  2. Project Clone::
    git clone
    cd ai-beehive
  3. Database Configuration::
    • exist beehive-bootstrap/src/main/resources/db/schema-mysql.sql to find the database initialization script, create the database and import the script.
    • modifications application.yml file for the database connection configuration.
  4. Initiation of projects::
    • Open the project using an IDE (e.g. IntelliJ IDEA), run the BeehiveApplication Main Category.
    • After the project has started, access the http://localhost:8080 Perform functional testing.

Function Operation

  1. User Registration and Login::
    • Visit the login page and register using your email address.
    • Registration requires administrator approval before logging in.
  2. Drawing management::
    • Log in to the Drawing Management page and select the desired AI-enabled drawing.
    • Configure drawing parameters, save and publish drawings.
  3. Permission settings::
    • On the Privilege Management screen, you can set up user access privileges for different drawings.
    • Browsing privileges and usage rights can be set to ensure the safe use of drawings.
  4. Using AI Features::
    • Select a published drawing to go to the corresponding function page.
    • Enter the relevant parameters to invoke AI functions for operations such as generating images or conducting a dialog.

common problems

  • Unable to connect to database: Check that the database configuration is correct and that the MySQL service is started.
  • Drawings could not be released: Verify that drawing configuration items are complete and check the status of drawings in the database.
  • Users can't log in: Ensure that the user's status is normal by checking the user's Token in Redis.
May not be reproduced without permission:Chief AI Sharing Circle " AI Hive: A Versatile Java-based AI Chat Integration Platform