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List of common words used by Agent

How to water a thesis? Choosing Agent-related propositions, experimenting with React by adding the following inspirations, and working backwards to the argument based on the results will usually yield some results.


information perception

English (language) Chinese writing Chinese Explanation
perception perceptual Refers to the process of acquiring information about the environment through the senses, which includes visual, auditory, tactile, and other modes of perception.
Observation heed Refers to the process of gathering information, either actively or passively, such as observing changes in the environment and observing the behavior of others.
Perception-Action Loop Perception-action cycle is a continuous process that involves perceiving the environment, making decisions and executing actions, followed by a new round of perception based on the results of the actions.
Perception-Action Coupling Perception-action coupling Refers to the strong correlation between perception and action, where the perception outcome influences the action decision and the action outcome influences a new round of perception.
Attention attention It is the centralized processing of specific information, i.e., filtering out the most important information from a large amount of information to be processed.
Environment matrix It is the place where agents act and interact, including the physical and social environments, etc.

Interaction and Communication

English (language) Chinese writing Chinese Explanation
Social Interaction social interaction Refers to interactive behaviors between individuals, such as conversation, cooperation, and competition.
Interaction each other Refers to the process of interaction between individuals, which can be human-to-human, human-to-machine, or machine-to-machine.
Communication correspond (by letter etc) Refers to the transmission and reception of information, which can be in the form of speech, writing, symbols, etc.
Feedback send back information It is a response to a behavior or outcome that is used to evaluate and guide behavior.
Human-Agent Interaction human-agent interaction Refers to human interaction with an intelligent agent (e.g., an AI system), such as conversing with the AI via voice or text.
Natural Language Interaction natural language interaction Refers to interactions using natural language (e.g., Chinese, English), commonly seen in human-AI interactions.
negotiation talk things over It is the process of reaching consensus through dialog and discussion, often used to resolve disputes or decide on a course of action.
Cooperation collaborative Refers to parties working together to achieve a common goal, requiring coordinated action and shared resources.
Collaboration coordination Refers to the process of working together among individuals to accomplish a task, emphasizing teamwork and division of labor.
Competition competitiveness Refers to confrontation between individuals or teams to achieve a goal, such as market competition, contests, etc.
Adversarial Interaction confrontational interaction Refers to competitive interactions between individuals, such as adversarial games, competitive markets, etc.

Memorization of knowledge

English (language) Chinese writing Chinese Explanation
Knowledge knowledge-related It is the understanding and knowledge of things, which can be facts, theories, skills, etc.
Context (textual) context is contextual information in a particular situation, often important for understanding and decision-making.
Learning do It is the process of acquiring new knowledge or skills through experience, which can be through reading, practicing, reflecting, etc.
Learning Algorithm learning algorithm are computational methods used to extract knowledge from data, such as decision trees, neural networks, etc.
Learning Agent Learning Agent are intelligent agents with the ability to learn to improve their performance.
Reinforcement Learning Intensive learning It is a special kind of machine learning method that learns through trial and error and rewarding feedback.
Meta-Learning meta-learning It is the process of learning how to learn, with the goal of improving learning efficiency and adaptability.
Learning Model learning model It is a theoretical model that describes the learning process, e.g., cognitive load theory, deep learning model, etc.
Transfer Learning transfer learning It is the process of applying knowledge learned in one task to another task and is used to improve learning efficiency and generalization.
Multi-Task Learning multitasking It is the process of learning multiple tasks at the same time, which allows for the sharing of learning resources and improves learning efficiency.
Active Learning Active Learning It is the process by which the model actively selects the most valuable data for learning and is used to improve learning efficiency.
Reinforcement Learning Agent Reinforcement Learning Agent are intelligent agents that use reinforcement learning methods to learn through interaction with the environment.

Cognition and understanding

English (language) Chinese writing Chinese Explanation
Understanding understandings It is an in-depth understanding of the information or situation, including understanding the facts, understanding the intent, and understanding the cause.
Intent Comprehension Intentional understanding It is the understanding and parsing of intentions, e.g., understanding the intentions of others, understanding one's own intentions, etc.
Intent schematic diagram It is the intention or plan to do something, such as the intention to learn, the intention to buy, etc.
comprehension understandings It is the recognition and understanding of information or situations, which can be understanding language, understanding images, understanding situations, etc.
Semantic Understanding semantic understanding It is the understanding of the meaning of language, such as understanding the meaning of words and understanding the meaning of sentences.
Natural Language Understanding natural language understanding It is the understanding and parsing of natural language, an important task in natural language processing.
Cognitive Ability cognitive ability It is the ability to understand, learn, and solve problems, including the ability to memorize, pay attention, think, and reason.
Cognitive Architecture cognitive architecture It is a theoretical framework that describes cognitive processes, such as the working memory model and the long-term memory model.
Cognitive Model cognitive model It is a theoretical model that describes cognitive processes, such as the cognitive load theory and the working memory model.
Context-awareness context-sensitive It is the understanding and utilization of environmental contextual information, such as making decisions based on contextual information such as weather, time, and location.
Brain hippocampus It is an organ that controls thinking and behavior and contains structures such as neurons and neural networks.
Generalization generalization (math.) It is the ability to apply learned knowledge to new situations and is an important goal of learning and cognition.
Imitation imitations It is the process of learning by observing and copying the behavior of others, a form of social learning.
Intention Prediction Intentional forecasting It is the process of predicting the intention of future actions, such as predicting a user's intention to buy, predicting a pedestrian's intention to walk, etc.
Cognition cognitively It is the process of processing information and forming ideas, including activities such as memorization, comprehension, reasoning, and creativity.

Thinking and Reasoning

English (language) Chinese writing Chinese Explanation
Reasoning inference It is the process of drawing conclusions based on known information, e.g., logical reasoning, causal reasoning, etc.
Thought reflections It is the process of processing information and forming ideas, including activities such as memorization, comprehension, reasoning, and creativity.
Emotion move (emotionally) It is a subjective response to a specific situation, such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear, etc.
Desire aspiration It is a strong hope for something, such as a desire for success, knowledge, etc.
Belief belief It is a firm opinion or trust in something, such as faith, trust, belief, etc.
Inference extrapolate It is the process of drawing conclusions based on evidence, e.g., statistical inference, logical inference, etc.
Problem Solving Problem solving It is the process of identifying and implementing solutions to problems, including the steps of understanding the problem, finding a solution, and implementing the solution.
Problem-Solving sort It is the process of identifying and implementing solutions to problems, including the steps of understanding the problem, finding a solution, and implementing the solution.
Intelligent Agent Intelligent Agents It is an automated entity with a certain level of intelligence that is capable of sensing the environment, making decisions, performing actions, etc.
Collaborative Decision-Making collaborative decision-making It is a decision-making process in which multiple parties are involved, e.g., team decision-making, group decision-making, etc.

Decision-making and action

English (language) Chinese writing Chinese Explanation
Decision-Making Decision-making is the process of choosing a course of action, which includes steps such as defining the problem, finding options, evaluating the options, and choosing the best option.
Decision Model decision model It is a theoretical model that describes the decision-making process, such as decision tree, Markov decision process, etc.
Adaptation adaptive It is the process of adjusting behavior to fit the environment, e.g., adapting to a new environment, adapting to new rules, etc.
Optimization make superior It is the process of finding the optimal solution, such as optimization algorithms, optimization models, etc.
Policy be tactful It is the rules or guiding principles that determine actions, such as decision-making strategies, action strategies, etc.
Goal goal It is the outcome that is expected to be achieved, e.g., learning goals, life goals, etc.
Goal-Oriented goal-oriented It is a behavior or strategy that is directed toward a specific goal, such as goal-directed learning, goal-directed decision making, etc.
Task Execution mandate implementation It is the process of accomplishing a specific task, such as performing a task, completing a task, etc.
Execution fulfillment It is the process of implementing or accomplishing a task, such as executing a plan, carrying out an order, etc.
Atomic Action atomic action is the smallest unit of action that cannot be subdivided, such as moving one step, clicking once, etc.
Action act are steps taken to reach a goal, such as learning actions, buying actions, etc.
Task mandates It is a job or activity that needs to be done, such as a study assignment, work assignment, etc.
state state of affairs It is the condition of the system at a particular time, e.g., system state, mental state, etc.
State Transition state transition It is the process by which a system changes from one state to another, e.g., state transfer, state change, etc.
Planning program It is the process of developing action plans, such as learning plans, life plans, etc.
Tool Use Use of tools It is the ability to use tools to perform tasks, such as using software, using equipment, etc.
Human-in-the-Loop Man in the Loop It is the process by which humans participate in and influence system decisions, such as human-machine collaboration and human-computer interaction.
Oriented Deployment Targeted deployment It is a deployment for a specific goal or task, such as goal-oriented deployment, task-oriented deployment, etc.
Capability abilities It is a skill or talent for accomplishing a specific task, such as the ability to learn, the ability to work, etc.
skill technical ability It is the ability to accomplish specific tasks, such as programming skills, communication skills, etc.
Performance performances It is the efficiency and effectiveness in accomplishing tasks, such as learning performance, job performance, etc.
Adaptability flexibility It is the ability to adjust oneself to changes in the environment, e.g., adapting to a new environment, adapting to new rules, etc.

Self-awareness and emotions

English (language) Chinese writing Chinese Explanation
Self-awareness self-awareness It is the knowledge and understanding of oneself, such as recognizing one's abilities and understanding one's emotions.
Emotion Recognition emotion recognition It is the process of recognizing and understanding emotions, such as recognizing the emotions of others and recognizing one's own emotions.
Emotional Intelligence emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage one's own and others' emotions, such as understanding them, controlling them, and expressing them.
Empathy sympathize with It is understanding and sharing the feelings of others, such as empathizing with others and understanding their emotions.
Self-regulation self-regulation It is controlling and managing one's own behavior and emotions, such as self-control and self-management.
Self-efficacy self-efficacy It is a belief in one's ability to accomplish a specific task, e.g., academic self-efficacy, work self-efficacy, etc.
Self-confidence self-confidence It is a belief in one's own abilities and worth, such as academic confidence, job confidence, etc.
Self-perception self-awareness It is the perception of one's own characteristics and states, such as perceiving one's emotions and perceiving one's abilities.
Motivation locomotive It is an intrinsic or extrinsic factor that drives behavior, such as motivation to learn, motivation to work, etc.
Mood moods It is a persistent emotional state, such as a happy mood, a sad mood, etc.
Sentiment state of mind It is an emotional response to a specific object or event, such as liking, disliking, or anger.
Affective State emotional state It is the current emotional state of an individual, such as a happy state, a sad state, etc.

Morals and Ethics

English (language) Chinese writing Chinese Explanation
Ethics morality It is a principle about the rightness or wrongness of behavior, e.g., professional ethics, social ethics, etc.
Moral morals are beliefs and values about the rightness or wrongness of behavior, such as morals and ethical standards.
Fairness fairness It is a fair treatment accepted by all parties, e.g., fair competition, fair distribution, etc.
Justice righteousness It is the realization of justice and fairness, such as social justice, legal justice, etc.
Transparency transparency is the degree to which it is easy to understand and check, e.g., policy transparency, data transparency, etc.
Accountability obligations It is responsibility for actions and results, such as individual responsibility, organizational responsibility, etc.
Privacy private business It is the protection of personal information and life, such as the right to privacy and privacy protection.
Trust trust It is trust in another person or thing, such as trusting a friend, trusting a system, etc.
Bias bias It is a tendency to do injustice to a particular group or thing, such as gender bias, cultural bias, etc.
Discrimination discriminate against It is unfair treatment based on specific characteristics, such as gender discrimination, racial discrimination, etc.

Innovation and creativity

English (language) Chinese writing Chinese Explanation
Innovation blaze new trails Propose new ideas or approaches
Creativity ingenuity Ability to generate new and valuable ideas
Idea Generation Idea Generation The process of generating new ideas
Problem Framing Problem framing The process of defining and understanding the problem
Divergent Thinking divergent thinking A way of thinking that generates multiple possible solutions
Convergent Thinking convergent thinking (math.) Thinking in terms of choosing the best solution from multiple possibilities
Design Thinking design thinking Person-centered problem solving
Brainstorming brainstorming The process of generating and evaluating innovative ideas collectively
Prototyping prototyping Make preliminary models of new products or services
Iteration iteration (math.) A process of continuous improvement and optimization
Evaluation valuation The process of evaluation and judgment
Critical Thinking critical thinking Ways of thinking about analyzing and assessing problems
Reflection reassessment It is the process of thinking about and evaluating one's thoughts and behaviors, e.g., reflection on learning, reflection on work, etc.
Insight insights It is a deep understanding of a problem or situation, such as market insights, user insights, etc.
Innovation Process Innovation process It is the entire innovation process from idea to implementation, such as product innovation process, service innovation process, etc.
Intellectual Property intellectual property rights (law) It is the legal protection of innovations, such as patents, copyrights and trademarks.
Invention devise It is the creation of new products or methods, such as technological inventions, business inventions, etc.
Discovery discoveries It is finding new knowledge or things, such as scientific discoveries, market discoveries, etc.
Imagination visualize is the ability to form new and unexperienced ideas or images, such as imagining the future, imagining new products, etc.
Curiosity interest in sth. It is the desire for new knowledge or experience, such as curiosity to explore and curiosity to learn.
Exploration explorations It is the process of searching for new knowledge or experiences, such as scientific exploration, market exploration, etc.
Experiment test It is the process of testing new ideas or methods, such as scientific experiments, marketing experiments, etc.
Trial and Error trial and error It is the process of finding the right way through experimentation and failure, e.g., product trial and error, learning trial and error.
Risk Taking take chances It is trying new actions despite the possibility of failure, such as entrepreneurial ventures, investment ventures, etc.

logical diction

logical relation

English (language) Chinese writing Chinese Explanation
and cap (a poem) away
or maybe away
not in- express the opposite of something
if in the event that express the conditions under which something happens
then in that case represent the result of something happening
while (indicates contrast) away
because on account of express the reason why something is happening
so the reason why represent the result of something happening


English (language) Chinese writing Chinese Explanation
with together with Indicates the conditions that need to be met for the completion of the task or goal to which the cue refers
for because of Indicates that the task or goal to which the cue refers is accomplished for some purpose
by leave it (to sb) Indicates that the accomplishment of the task or goal to which the cue refers was accomplished by someone or something else
about with respect to Indicates that the accomplishment of the task or goal to which the cue refers is related to some topic or content
from surname Cong Indicates that the completion of the task or goal to which the cue refers is from some source or starting point


English (language) Chinese writing Chinese Explanation
in exist Indicates that the accomplishment of the task or goal to which the cue refers is within a particular context or scope
to until (a time) Indicates that the task or goal to which the cue refers is to be accomplished to a specific degree
from surname Cong Indicates that the completion of the task or goal to which the cue refers begins at a particular state or location
not in- Indicates that the task or goal to which the cue refers cannot be accomplished without violating some rule or restriction

in the end

English (language) Chinese writing Chinese Explanation
output exports Indicates that the completion of the task or goal to which the cue refers results in some specific output
result in the end Indicates that the outcome of the completion of the task or goal to which the cue is directed is some abstract result
answer solution Indicates that the completion of the task or goal to which the cue refers results in an answer to a question
summary summarize Indicates that the completion of the task or goal to which the cue refers results in a summary of a particular passage
description descriptive A description that indicates that the result of the completion of the task or goal to which the cue is directed is an object
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