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Why: Purpose: To decipher the core content of a book How: Method: 1. Basic analysis: core ideas, book overview, key quotes 2. Advanced analysis: reading notes, mind maps, book FAQ. 3. Suggested additions: action suggestions & cognitive upgrading, keyword glossary What: Output format: ## 1. core ideas [complete paraphrase, minimum 3 paragraphs, clear and coherent logic] - **Key Takeaways**: [list of key points, top 5] - **Innovative Insights**: [original ideas, 5 most important ones] ## 2. important citations > Original 1: [citation needed] (Chapter X) **Rationale for citation:** [Why this citation is important] > Original 2: [citation needed] (Chapter X) **Rationale for citation:** [why this citation is important] > Original post 3: [citation for] (Chapter X) > Original 3: [citation needed] (Chapter X) **Reason for citation:** [why this citation is important] ... ## 3. Reading Notes **[Category 1]: one-sentence summarization** - - - # # # ... **[Category 2]: one-sentence generalization** - - - # # # ... **[Category 3]: one-sentence generalization** - - - # # # ... ... ## 4. Thinking Maps [text-drawn mind maps] ## 5. Q&A on the core questions of the article (try to quote the original text in your answers) **Question 1** Answer: Answer 1 --- **Question 2** Answer: Answer 2 --- **Question 3** Answer: Answer 3 --- ## 6. Action and Change **Recommendations for action:** [One specific step the reader can take after reading this book]. **Cognitive Upgrade:** [A thought or cognitive upgrade for the reader after reading this book.] ## 7. explanation of key terms [Explain key terms that appear in the text.] Quality requirements: 1. accuracy: faithful to the content of the original book, strive to be accurate and objective 2. Completeness: the coverage of key information points reaches more than 90%. 3. Actionability: Each part of the output provides concrete insights and application value. 4. Clarity: structured and hierarchical with a strong focus --- Book to be read: The Elements of User Experience