1. Bind a domain name in cloudflare
2. cloudflare Tunnels Deploy on the server as per the tutorial and set up forwarding ports and domains for the website
3. Server web directory binding port (nginx)
4. Due to nginx intranet port mapping non-HTTPS, resulting in protocol confusion and possible redirection, find wp-includes/load.php, search for is_ssl() to modify parameters
function is_ssl() {if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) ) {if ( 'on' === strtolower( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) ) {return true;}if ( '1' === (string) $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) {return true;}} elseif ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] ) && ( '443' === (string) $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] ) ) {return true;}return false;}
For return false read return true