General Introduction
Twos is a simple task list app that combines notes, tasks, reminders, calendars, and lists into one app to help users easily record and manage everything in their lives.The core concept of Twos is "Simple Memory", which allows users to write down important information anytime, anywhere, without worrying about forgetting. Twos supports mobile, PC and web use, and data can be synchronized across devices. Whether you're jotting down daily to-do lists, planning your schedule, or saving your inspiration, Twos is a quick and easy way to get started. It is designed to be lightweight and practical for busy people, and is also considered to be a helpful aid in managing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Function List
- daily record:快速记录当天的想法、任务或事件。
- task management:创建待办事项,标记完成状态,随时查看进度。
- 提醒设置:为任务或事件设置时间提醒,避免错过重要安排。
- 日历视图:展示日程安排,方便规划时间。
- 清单整理:支持嵌套清单,整理购物清单、项目计划等。
- AI Smart Advice:根据记录内容提供操作建议,比如导航或搜索。
- Share function:将笔记或清单生成链接、图片或 PDF 分享给他人。
- 记忆回顾:通过“On this day”功能查看过去记录,防止遗忘。
- Offline use:无网络时也能记录,联网后自动同步。
Using Help
Twos 的使用非常简单,不需要复杂的设置。它既可以在网页上直接使用,也可以下载应用到手机或电脑。下面是详细的操作指南,让你马上上手。
Installation process
- Use of the web version
- 点击页面上的“Sign Up”或“Get Started”按钮。
- 输入邮箱和密码注册账号,或者用 Google 账号直接登录。
- 注册成功后,直接进入主界面开始记录。
- 手机应用安装
- 在 iPhone 上,打开 App Store,搜索“Twos”。
- 在安卓手机上,打开 Google Play Store,搜索“Twos”。
- 点击“安装”或“获取”,等待下载完成。
- 打开应用,用网页注册的账号登录,或者重新注册一个新账号。
- 电脑应用安装
- 找到“Download”部分,选择适合你系统的版本(Windows、Mac 或 Linux)。
- 下载安装包,双击运行,按照提示完成安装。
- 安装完成后,打开应用并登录。
- Chrome 扩展安装
- 打开 Chrome 浏览器,访问 Chrome Web Store。
- 搜索“Twos”,找到官方扩展“Twos: The best place to write things down”。
- 点击“添加至 Chrome”,确认安装。
- 安装后,点击浏览器右上角的 Twos 图标,登录账号即可使用。
Main function operation flow
1. 记录每日笔记
- 打开 Twos,主界面默认显示“Today”(今天)页面。
- 点击输入框,直接写下想记录的内容,比如“买牛奶”或“下午 3 点开会”。
- 按回车键保存,每条记录会自动显示为一条“Thing”(事项)。
2. 创建和管理任务
- 在“Today”页面输入任务,比如“完成报告”。
- 输入后,点击事项左侧的小圆圈,将其标记为待办任务。
- 完成任务后,再次点击圆圈,标记为已完成,事项会显示划线效果。
- 如果需要查看所有待办,点击侧边栏的“To-dos”选项,列出跨日期的任务。
3. Setting reminders
- 输入事项后,点击事项右侧的钟表图标。
- 选择提醒时间,比如“明天上午 9 点”。
- 保存后,Twos 会在指定时间通过应用通知你(需开启通知权限)。
4. Use of the calendar
- Click the "Calendar" icon in the sidebar to enter the calendar view.
- See what's scheduled for that day or a future date, and click on a date to add a new matter.
- The calendar automatically displays recorded tasks and events.
5. Consolidation of inventories
- Enter an item, such as "shopping list".
- After pressing enter, press the space bar to indent and enter a sub-item, such as "bread" and "eggs".
- Sub-items will be nested under the main item, creating a hierarchical structure.
- Click the arrow to the left of the main item to collapse or expand the list.
6. AI smart recommendations
- Enter something about the location, e.g. "Go to the supermarket".
- If Twos detects actionable content, a flash icon appears next to the matter.
- When you click on the icon, Twos automatically opens Google Maps and navigates to the "Supermarket".
7. Sharing content
- Once you've written your notes or list, click the share icon in the top right corner.
- Select "Share as Link" to generate a link, or "Export as PDF" to save as a file.
- Copy the link or file and send it to a friend or colleague.
8. Retrospective memory
- Click "On this day" in the sidebar to view past records for the same day.
- Or type "surprise me" in the search box to randomize previous notes.
- data synchronization: Ensure that the device is connected to the Internet and the records are automatically synchronized. If used offline, they will be updated when connected.
- Privacy settings: All content is private by default and needs to be done manually when sharing.
- Updating applications: Check the app store or official website regularly to download the latest version for new features.
Twos is simple and intuitive, with a clean interface and no distracting extra features. It features quick recording and smart organization, allowing you to focus on the content itself.
application scenario
- Daily task management
You can use Twos to keep track of your daily to-do list, such as shopping, meetings or exercise. Set a reminder and it will notify you on time for busy office workers. - Study Notes Organization
Students can use Twos to take class notes, create lists by course, and nest knowledge points for review at a glance. - Travel plans
When planning a trip, you can make a list of itineraries, packing lists and attractions to share with fellow travelers for easy collaboration. - diary entry
Write down your mood or event on the "Today" page every day, and look back on it years later with "On this day" to make precious memories.
- Is Twos completely free?
Yes, Twos basic features are completely free. Some premium features (like more AI features) may require a fee, but there is currently no charge for core features. - Will data be lost?
It won't. Just log in to your account and the data will be backed up in the cloud. Even if you change your device, you can restore it after logging in. - Can it be used offline?
Can. What is recorded when offline is saved locally and automatically synchronized when connected. - How do I update the PC version?
There is no direct update button on the official website. You need to go to the official website to download the latest installer and override the installation.