AI Personal Learning
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Tip engineering commonly used examples of quick reference table (Chinese version)

In this article, I will provide a brief introduction to each section of the memo sheet, along with snippets of sample prompts.

As the SOTA Big Language model is able to answer increasingly complex questions, the biggest challenge is to design perfect prompts through the lead (around) These questions. This paper serves as an aide-memoire, bringing together some principles designed to help you be better at prompting. We will discuss the following:

  • AUTOMAT cap (a poem) CO-STAR organizing plan
  • output format Definition of
  • small sample learning
  • thought chain
  • draw attention to sth. templates
  • RAGi.e., retrieval of enhanced generation
  • Formatting and delimiters as well as
  • multi-tip Methods.


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AUTOMAT and CO-STAR frameworks

AUTOMAT is an acronym that contains the following:

  1. Act as a Particluar persona (Who is the role played by the robot?)
  2. User Persona & Audience (Who is the robot talking to?)
  3. Targeted Action (What actions would you like the robot to perform?)
  4. Output Definition (How should the robot's response be structured?)
  5. Mode / Tonality / Style (In what way should the robot convey a response?)
  6. Atypical Cases (Are there special situations that require the robot to react in a different way?)
  7. Topic Whitelisting (What are some of the relevant topics that bots can discuss?)

Tip Project: Automat Framework

Let's look at an example of a combination of the above techniques:


Tip Project: Practical Application of the Automat Framework

Example of a cue clip

(A) Role Play: This defines the specific role of the AI Assistant, in as much detail as possible!

扮演 Mac 电脑上的 csh 终端...

(U) User profiling: this defines the target audience, their background and expected level of knowledge:

...用适合 5 岁孩子理解的方式解释
...针对特斯拉 Model S 车主解释...

(T) Task description: use explicit verbs to describe the task to be performed:


(O) Output format: describes the desired form of the output. This is explained in more detail in the next section:

...Python 代码...
...JSON 格式...
...0.0 到 1.0 之间的浮点数...
...4 人份的食谱及配料清单...
...两字母 ISO 国家代码列表...

(M) Mode of response: use adjectives to describe the manner, tone, and style of response that the AI should adopt:


(A) Exception handling: describes the handling of non-routine situations. This usually only applies to models that are integrated into the application:





...如果用户不是在提问,而是在表达观点或给予反馈,请执行 xyz 操作...

(T) Topic Limits: List the range of topics allowed for discussion:

...仅回答有关 CRB2004 型号、其功能和操作方法的问题。你可以对用户关于该设备的反馈进行评论,并告知用户你的能力范围。

The CO-STAR framework is very similar to the AUTOMAT framework, but with a slightly different focus.CO-STAR represents the following five areas:

  1. Context (context): clarify the reason why the robot is performing the task ==(for what reason? This robot needs to do that?)
  2. Objective: identifies the specific task the robot needs to accomplish ==(It requires Do what?)
  3. Style & Tone (style and tone): sets the expression of the robot's answer ==(It should. How to express the answer?)
  4. Audience: understanding who the bot is talking to ==(This robot. For whom to communicate?)
  5. Response: planning the structure of the bot's response == (its What should the response structure look like?)

Not surprisingly, many of the elements in the CO-STAR framework have a direct correspondence with elements in the AUTOMAT framework:


CO-STAR framework

output format

After describing the task, we need to explicitly define the format of the output, that is, how the answer should be structured. Just as with humans, giving the model a concrete example usually helps it to better understand our requirements:


Defining the output format

Finally, please clarify the following points:

  • Acceptable range of output values
  • What to do when certain values are missing

Doing so allows the model to understand the task requirements more clearly and thus accomplish the task better:


Defining the output format

Example of a cue clip

defineOutput format:

### 任务
找出 10 本与给定书籍相似的图书,书名为:{book_input}

### 输出格式
返回一个 JSON 数组,包含 10 个对象,每个对象代表一本书,具有以下字段:book_title (书名)、author (作者)、publication_date (出版日期)

Another way to do this is through examples ofshowcaseOutput format:

### 任务

### 输出格式
"sender_type": "customer",
"mail_type": "complaint",
"urgency": "low"

The output structure can be further refined by specifying the allowed values:

### 任务

### 输出格式

### 输出中允许的值
键 | 允许的值
sender_type (发件人类型) | "customer" (客户), "supplier" (供应商), "media" (媒体), "other" (其他)
mail_type (邮件类型) | "order" (订单), "invoice" (发票), "complaint" (投诉), "other" (其他)
urgency (紧急程度) | 0 到 1 之间的浮点值,0 表示不紧急,1 表示最高紧急

Finally, don't forget to explain how to deal with information that cannot be determined:

### 任务

### 输出格式

### 输出中允许的值

### 处理无法确定的信息
如果输出 JSON 中的必填字段无法确定,请将该字段设为 null,例如 "urgency": null

learning with fewer samples

Sample less learning sets a task for the model and provides two types of examples:

  • Standard Case: An example showing how a typical input corresponds to an output
  • Special Cases: Example showing how to deal with common edge cases

In general, providing one example per use case is sufficient to aid in model understanding. Listing similar examples should be avoided:


learning with fewer samples

Sample Tip Segment

Create a separate example section for Less Sample Learning:

给定一个化学元素的符号,用 JSON 格式列出该元素的核心属性。

### 示例
输出:{"name": "镁", "symbol": "Mg", "atomic_number": 12, "atomic_weight": 24.350, "group": 2, "period": 3}

For each common edge case, an example is provided:

# 任务
给定一个化学元素的符号,用 JSON 格式列出该元素的核心属性。

### 示例
# 示例 1:
输出:{"name": "镁", "symbol": ...}

# 示例 2:
输出:{"Name": "None"}

# 示例 3:

Provide up to one or two examples per use case:

### 示例
# 示例 1
... 主要用例 a ...
# 示例 2
... 主要用例 b ...
# 示例 3
... 重要边缘情况 a ...
# 示例 4
... 重要边缘情况 b ...

thought chain

Allowing a model to "think and talk" like a human, i.e., allowing it to explain its reasoning step by step, usually yields better results (to learn more, take a look at This article from Google Brain Team) Here's how it works: you give an example of a question and answer with a similar question, and then ask the question you really want to ask. This way, the model will think and answer step by step, following the example you gave.


thought chain

Sample Tip Segment

Show the model how to reason through one example or a small number of examples:

Q: Roger 有 5 个网球。他又买了 2 罐网球。每罐有 3 个网球。他现在总共有多少个网球?
A: Roger 最开始有 5 个球。2 罐每罐 3 个网球,总共是 6 个网球。5+6 = 11。答案是 11。
Q: 食堂现在有 23 个苹果。如果他们用 20 个做午餐,又买了 6 个,他们现在还有多少个苹果?

The use of key phrases, such as "think step-by-step," can lead the model into a chain-of-thought reasoning process:

### 任务
对数据 y 执行 x

The process is described by way of an example:

### 任务
每位客户在一年中的平均购买价值是年度销售额($ 4,273,392,000)除以实际客户的平均数量($ 2,498,000)= 
$ 1,710。我们取一个客户的平均购买价值,并将其除以平均客户生命周期(4.2 年) ...

Tip templates

In many cases, your prompts will follow a specific structure, differing only in certain parameters (e.g., time, location, conversation history, etc.). Thus, we can generalize the prompt as a Tip templates, replace these parameters with variables:


Tip templates

The final generated prompt might look like this:


Tip templates

Sample Tip Segment

First, we need to define a hint template that contains one to many variables.

prompt_template = """任务:你是 HHCR3000 清洁机器人的客服人员。请根据用户的问题,为他们解答关于产品功能的疑问,或者提供详细的操作指南。你的回答必须严格基于给定的上下文信息。如果上下文中没有相关信息,请如实告知用户你无法回答该问题。



Next, we need to replace the variables in the template with actual values in each dialog. In Python code, this might look like this.

# 每次对话时执行
prompt = prompt_template.format (context_data = retrieve_context_data (user_query),

The final prompt generated is something along the lines of.

任务:你是 HHCR3000 清洁机器人的客服人员。请根据用户的问题,为他们解答关于产品功能的疑问,或者提供详细的操作指南。你的回答必须严格基于给定的上下文信息。如果上下文中没有相关信息,请如实告知用户你无法回答该问题。

1. 选择一个靠墙的平整表面进行安装。
2. 确保安装位置周围没有障碍物。
3. 在充电站左右两侧各留出至少 2 英尺 (约 60 厘米) 的空间,前方留出 4 英尺 (约 120 厘米) 的空间。
4. 将电源适配器连接到充电站。
5. 将适配器插头插入充电站背部的插座,并将电源线固定到插槽中。
1. 拔掉电源适配器。
2. 在新位置按照上述步骤重新安装。
3. 给系统约 2 分钟时间来识别新的位置。

用户: "我应该从哪里开始?"
助手: 首先,我们需要设置充电站。您需要我为您提供详细的安装步骤吗?
用户: "好的,麻烦你了!"

RAG - Retrieve Augmented Generation

RAG (Retrieval Enhanced Generation) technology is arguably one of the most important breakthroughs in the field of Large Language Modeling (LLM) in the last two years. It allows LLMs to access your proprietary data or documents to answer almost any question, effectively overcoming limitations such as knowledge deadlines in pre-trained data. By accessing a wider range of data, the model can keep knowledge current and cover a wider range of topic areas.


Retrieval Augmentation Generation (RAG)

### 示例提示片段

一个典型的 RAG 提示模板在指定输出形式、示例和任务之前,会告诉模型在 RAG 应用中应该进行何种操作:

prompt_template = """### 指令
模型在 RAG 应用中应执行什么任务?

### 期望输出

### 少量示例
示例 #1: 主要案例
上下文: 检索到的数据

对话: 用户与助手: 对话的上下文
(对话示例的最后一项): 助手: 基于上下文的期望答案

示例 #2: 另一个主要案例

示例 #3: 边缘案例,没有找到合适的上下文数据

示例 #4: 边缘案例,用户问题偏离主题

### 实际任务
上下文: {context_data}

对话: {history}

Formatting and delimiters

Since models don't reread prompts, it's important to make sure they understand them on the first try. Structuring your prompts by using hashes, quotes, and line breaks can help models more easily understand what you are trying to say.


Formatting and Delimiters

Sample Tip Segment

You can divide the different sections by using headings:

### instruction ###
充当一个 ...

### examples ###
示例 1:
用户: 我想要 ...

### context ###
MBR 可以附加到 ...

### history ###

Put data outside of the prompt in quotes:

### context ###
"""CBR3000 使您的生活更加便捷,无论是在家、工作、旅行还是其他各种场合,它都能为您提供支持。 [...]

请确保您使用的是最新版本的用户手册,以避免操作错误和误用 [...]"""

Quotation marks (single, double, and triple) can also be used for user input:

### history ###
助手: 你好,有什么我可以帮您的吗?
用户: """嗨!

### final instruction

Assembling the parts

Combining all of the above tools, here is a near-perfect example of an actual tip.


Complex tips

Start by building the prompts in the following order:

  • core instruction
  • typical example
  • digital
  • output format
  • Interactive History

Note that the separator also provides further structure to the prompt.

Sample Tip Segment

### 指令 ###
充当小学生耐心的辅导伙伴。你是一只名叫 Yanick 的牦牛,同时也是生物学专家。你在尼泊尔长大,10 岁。你的妈妈、爸爸和两个姐妹 [...] 存在一个“当前数据上下文”。在上一个回答中,你的学生回答了一个与“当前数据上下文”主题相关的问题。要积极、幽默、个性化,并使用表情符号——让学习对孩子们变得有趣 [...] 你会对他们的答案进行评分和评论。即使答案部分错误,也要在评分中鼓励他们 [...] 要积极、幽默、个性化,并使用表情符号——让学习对孩子们变得有趣 [...] 仅与学生讨论“当前数据上下文”中的生物学问题 [...]

### 示例对话 ###
示例 #1
<Yanick> 👋 你好 Noah,我是 Yanick,今天我们来讨论植物和动物等生物。准备好了吗?
<Noah> ``` 太好了! ```
<Yanick> 好的。你能告诉我大多数植物有根的两个原因吗?
<Noah> ``` 为了从土壤中吸水,不让它们倒下,还为了获取土壤中的矿物质。```
<Yanick> 太棒了,正确! 🎆🎆🎆 而且其实这是三个原因!现在,Noah,你的牦牛非常为你感到骄傲。🦕🦕🦕
<rating> ️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
<Yanick> 下一个问题:你能告诉我植物的叶子 🌿 的作用是什么吗?
<Noah> ``` 它们进行光合作用,为植物制造食物,水、氧气和光。```
示例 #2

### 当前数据上下文 ###
如果没有植物,我们在地球上的生活是不可能的。植物提供氧气 [...]
植物需要光、二氧化碳和水作为原料来生产自己的食物。 [...]

### 输出细节 ###
# 学生答案的评分
<Yanick> [给学生一个非常友好的评价。告诉学生他们的答案是正确、部分正确还是错误。如果答案有遗漏,告诉学生缺少了什么。如果答案错误、部分错误或不完整,说明一个完美答案应该是怎样的 [...]]
<rating>[答案的 1 到 5 星评分。1 是完全错误,5 是完美。]
# 提出下一个问题
<Yanick> [向学生提出下一个问题,他们应该回答。仅问 [...]

### 对话历史 ###
<Yanick> 你好 Emma,今天我们讨论植物。准备好了吗?
<Emma> ``` 准备好了!```
<Yanick> 很好!这是你的问题:当气温冻结时,植物会发生什么?
<Emma> ``` 它们会死。```
<Yanick> 这是部分正确的,Emma。当气温冻结时,植物无法生长,但有些植物具有适应能力,可以在寒冷的温度下生存。
<rating> ️ ️ ️️
<Yanick> 下一个问题:植物对地球上的生物为什么重要?
<Emma> ``` 它们为其他生物提供食物和氧气。```

Multi-Cue Methods / Cue Decomposition

For more complex problems, individual hints are often insufficient. Instead of constructing a single hint that contains every small step, it is simpler and more efficient to split the hint. Typically, you start by categorizing the input data, then select a specific chain and use models and deterministic functions to process the data.


Multiple cue method

Tip Sample Clip

Split a single prompt into multiple prompts, e.g. categorize tasks first.

### 指令

### 示例
输入:如何安装 [...]

You can then select the appropriate follow-up prompts based on the categorization results and finally evaluate the answers.

May not be reproduced without permission:Chief AI Sharing Circle " Tip engineering commonly used examples of quick reference table (Chinese version)