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PPTAgent: automatic generation and evaluation of PPT presentations, document to PPT

General Introduction

PPTAgent is an innovative system designed to automatically generate presentations from documents. The system draws on the human approach to creating presentations, using a two-step process to ensure content quality and visualization. In addition, PPTAgent introduces PPTEval, a comprehensive evaluation framework for assessing the quality of presentations across multiple dimensions such as content, design, and coherence.PPTAgent not only generates high-quality slides, but also enhances user productivity and presentation effectiveness through intelligent reference learning and dynamic content generation features.

PPTAgent: Automatic generation and evaluation of PPT presentations, document to PPT-1


PPTAgent: Automatic generation and evaluation of PPT presentations, document to PPT-1


Function List

  • Dynamic content generation: Automatically generates a slide show containing text and images.
  • Intelligent Reference Learning: Learning with existing presentations without manual annotation.
  • Comprehensive quality assessment: Evaluate presentations through multiple quality metrics.
  • Two-step generation process: Ensure structure and consistency of slides during the analysis phase and generation phase.
  • Multi-dimensional assessment: Evaluate presentations in terms of content, design and coherence.


Using Help

Installation process

  1. Cloning of the PPTAgent repository:
   git clone
  1. Go to the project catalog:
   cd PPTAgent
  1. Install the dependencies:
   pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo apt install libreoffice
sudo apt install poppler-utils

Usage Process

  1. Generate Presentation::
    • Analyze the reference presentation:
     python --input reference.pptx --output analysis.json
    • Generate a new presentation:
     python --input analysis.json --output new_presentation.pptx
  2. Evaluation of presentations::
    • Convert PPTX files to images: bash
      python pptx2images --input new_presentation.pptx --output images/
    • Evaluate the presentation: bash
      python eval_experiment --input images/ --output evaluation.json

Main Functions

  • Dynamic content generation: Users simply provide the document and PPTAgent automatically generates a slide show containing text and images, ensuring that the content is accurate and visually appealing.
  • Intelligent Reference Learning: By analyzing existing presentations, PPTAgent is able to learn their structure and content patterns to generate slides with high consistency.
  • Comprehensive quality assessment: Using the PPTEval framework, users can assess the quality of the generated presentations in terms of content, design and coherence.

Detailed Operation Procedure

  1. Prepare the document: Prepare the document that needs to be converted to a presentation in a format that can be PDF, Word, etc.
  2. Run the analysis script: Use an analysis script to extract key information from the document and generate an analysis file.
  3. Generate Slideshow: Based on the analyzed file, run the generation script to generate a slide show containing text and images.
  4. Evaluation slides: Using an evaluation script, the generated slides are converted to images and quality assessed to produce an evaluation report.

With the above steps, users can easily convert documents into high-quality presentations with evaluation tools to ensure their quality and consistency.

May not be reproduced without permission:Chief AI Sharing Circle " PPTAgent: automatic generation and evaluation of PPT presentations, document to PPT

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