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PPC (Pay Per Click) Advertising - The Ultimate Marketing Copy ChatGPT Prompts

1. What keywords and ad copy are most effective for my [target audience] and [product/service]?

2. Can I generate a list of negative keywords to exclude from my PPC campaigns to avoid wasting ad spend?
3. What is the best bidding strategy to achieve the highest ROI for my PPC campaign? 4. how can I increase the relevancy score of my ads and reduce the cost per click? 5. how can I best structure my PPC campaigns and ad groups to achieve my marketing goals? 6. please generate a list of relevant keywords that we should target in our PPC campaigns to reach our [ideal customer profile]. 7. Can you create a PPC campaign that promotes our [product/service] and includes a relevant call to action? 8. Please generate a list of negative keywords that we should exclude from our PPC campaigns to avoid wasting ad spend. 9. Can you write an optimized landing page for our PPC ads that contains all the necessary information about our [product/service]? 10. Please develop a PPC advertising strategy that involves A/B testing of different ad creatives and landing pages to optimize conversions.
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