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Porkybank: AI-powered daily budget management for easy tracking of daily budgets

General Introduction

Porkybank is an open source personal finance management application designed to help users easily track their daily budget. Through a simple formula (income - expenditure) / days = cash , users can visualize their financial situation . The project is hosted on GitHub , developed using Elixir and Phoenix frameworks , support for a variety of platforms and devices . Porkybank provides detailed installation and use of the guide , suitable for developers and ordinary users .



Function List

  • Budget Tracker: Calculate daily available cash with a simple formula.
  • Data visualization: charts to show income, expenses and cash flow.
  • Multi-platform support: compatible with desktop and mobile devices.
  • Open source project: the code is open and supports community contributions.
  • Security: Configure sensitive information using environment variables.


Using Help

Installation process

  1. Installing PostgreSQL::
   brew install postgresql
brew services start postgresql
  1. Creating a development database::
   psql postgres
CREATE DATABASE porkybank_dev;
  1. Installing JavaScript dependencies::
   cd assets
npm install
  1. Setting environment variables::
   export PLAID_CLIENT_ID=your_client_id
export PLAID_SECRET=your_secret
export OPENAI_API_KEY=your_api_key
export OPENAI_ORGANIZATION_ID=your_organization_id
  1. Starting the Phoenix Server::
   mix setup
mix phx.server

Or start it in IEx:

   iex -S mix phx.server

Guidelines for use

  1. Access to the local server: Open in browser localhost:5050The
  2. Budget tracking::
    • Enter the income and expense data and the system will automatically calculate the daily available cash.
    • Use charts to view historical data and trends.
  3. data visualization::
    • View detailed financials through charts and reports.
    • Support for exporting data for further analysis.
  4. Multi-platform support::
    • Compatible with desktop and mobile devices, manage your finances anytime, anywhere.
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