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What features does PixVerse have in Discord? How should I use these features?

 PixVerse currently consists of four main features:

- /create

- /animate

- /meme_face

HD zoom (no command)


treat (to a meal etc)Click on this linkCheck out our tutorial on how to use it for more information.

If you have further questions, you canvia this linkto seek further help.



How to generate artwork privately/generate or remove watermarks via private message


These features are currently only available to beta testers and are about to become premium features in the coming weeks. You can try to become a beta tester or wait and subscribe to our premium service later.


What is the use of Beta-Tester status? How to become a Beta-Tester


As a beta tester, you can be the first to experience the latest features and some of the premium features are available for free. To join us, please:


What is the setup for the weekly contest?


We'll announce the theme for the weekly contest each Friday, which lasts 9-10 days (which gives you two weekends to create), and will announce the winner on the following Wednesday. We will then start the next round of challenges on Friday.


How do I extend a generated video?


Extended video is a new feature we're about to launch that is currently in development, but it will take about another week or two before it's released to the public.


How to improve the clarity and motion effects of the video / How to keep the footage consistent?


These features are under development by us, but require a larger amount of work. Please be patient and we will surprise you soon.


Where can I find the seed codes?


You can download the video, the part of the video file name that starts with "seed" is the seed code.

May not be reproduced without permission:Chief AI Sharing Circle " What features does PixVerse have in Discord? How should I use these features?

Chief AI Sharing Circle

Chief AI Sharing Circle specializes in AI learning, providing comprehensive AI learning content, AI tools and hands-on guidance. Our goal is to help users master AI technology and explore the unlimited potential of AI together through high-quality content and practical experience sharing. Whether you are an AI beginner or a senior expert, this is the ideal place for you to gain knowledge, improve your skills and realize innovation.

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