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MagicQuill: Intelligent Interactive Image Graffiti Editing System, Precise Localized Graffiti Editing

General Introduction

MagicQuill is an open-source AI interactive image editing tool launched by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Ant Group, Zhejiang University and the University of Hong Kong. The tool aims to enable precise localized editing of images in an intelligent and interactive way.MagicQuill provides a user-friendly interface and AI-driven suggestions to enable users to easily perform image editing operations. The project is subject to the CC BY-NC 4.0 license, which allows users to use and modify the code for non-commercial purposes.

MagicQuill: Intelligent Interactive Image Graffiti Editing System, Precise Localized Graffiti Editing-1

Online experience:



Function List

  • Adding Brushes: Adding details and elements through prompts allows users to express creativity with their own brushstrokes.
  • Minus Brush: Remove excess detail or redraw areas on cue.
  • Color Brushes: Accurate coloring, matching brush colors.
  • Smart Canvas Tool: Upload photos, eraser tool, drag, rotate and resize features.
  • parameterization: Adjust advanced settings for the generated results, such as base model name, negative hints, fine edge control, etc.


Using Help

Installation process

  1. clone warehouse::
   git clone --recursive
cd MagicQuill
  1. Download and unzip the checkpoint::
   wget -O " 3gB0MtwImAnYeWXuleVQcukMg?e=Gcjugg&download=1"
  1. Create an environment and install dependencies::
   conda create -n MagicQuill python=3.10 -y
conda activate MagicQuill
pip install torch==2.1.2 torchvision==0.16.2 torchaudio==2.1.2 --index-url
pip install gradio_magicquill-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Running MagicQuill::

Usage Process

  1. Adding Brushes: Select Add Brush and follow the prompts to add details and elements. For example, paint a deer with a few strokes or add a necklace to a character.
  2. Minus Brush: Select the Subtract Brush to remove unwanted details. For example, remove excess tail fins or hats.
  3. Color Brushes: Choose a color brush for precise coloring. For example, paint the flowers blue.
  4. Smart Canvas Tool: Use the upload button to upload photos, the eraser tool to erase errors, and the drag, rotate, and resize functions to adjust images.
  5. parameterization: Adjust advanced settings for the generated results, such as base model name and negative hints, by selecting the parameters next to the Run button.


MagicQuill Windows One Click Deployment

Download the project and run it:windows_setup.bat

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