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Eddie AI: A professional tool for fast video editing with text commands

General Introduction

Eddie AI is a smart tool that helps users edit videos quickly. It allows users to easily edit video content such as interviews, vlogs, and more with simple text commands that don't require complex operations. At the core of the website is the use of artificial intelligence technology to analyze the audio and images in a video and automatically generate a rough cut of the video. Users only need to enter the content they want to edit, such as "find the part of the discussion about the future", Eddie AI will quickly locate and edit the relevant clips. It also supports multi-camera video, automatically selects the right footage, and exports seamlessly to professional software such as Premiere or Final Cut Pro. Eddie AI is a time-saving and practical solution for video creators, journalists, or anyone who needs to edit efficiently.

Ideal for character interviews, products that contain a lot of narration, landscapes, video rough cuts, and can accurately recognize the speaker to switch between multi-camera shots.

Eddie AI: A professional tool for fast video editing with text commands-1


Function List

  • Text Command Clips: The user enters simple commands and the AI automatically analyzes and edits the video.
  • Multi-camera automatic selection: Supports multi-camera shooting with AI intelligence picking the best shots.
  • Rough cut generation: Generate a first draft of your video in seconds, saving time on manual editing.
  • Key Content Positioning: Quickly find important topics or segments in a video.
  • Export to specialized software: Supports MP4 and major editing software formats such as Adobe Premiere, DaVinci Resolve.
  • B _roll Material organization: Automatically categorize auxiliary shots to enhance story integrity.
  • Native Application Support: Provides desktop applications for smoother operation.


Using Help

Eddie AI is very easy to use, download the desktop app, you can download the native program of Eddie AI from the official website. After downloading, double-click the installation package, follow the prompts to complete the installation, and then you can use it by logging in with your account authorization.

Upload Video

After logging in, go to the main screen:

  1. Click on the "New Project" button.
  2. In the pop-up window, select "Upload Video".
  3. Pick the video file you want to edit from your computer, support common formats such as MP4, MOV and so on.
  4. If the video is in the cloud, such as Google Drive or Dropbox, click the appropriate icon to authorize and select the file.
  5. Once the upload is complete, Eddie AI automatically analyzes the video content, which may take a few minutes depending on the file size.

tip: It's a good idea for the video to have clear audio of the dialog so that the AI analysis is more accurate. If it's a multi-camera shoot, make sure each file is clearly named for easy post-production management.

Using Text Command Clips

Once you've uploaded your video, you can tell Eddie AI what you want in text:

  1. Enter commands in the text box at the top of the interface. For example:
    • "Find the part where they talk about the future of the company."
    • "Cut a 30-second opening that highlights the main points."
  2. Type it in and press enter, Eddie AI will process it immediately and return the results of the clip within a few seconds.
  3. The results are displayed on the timeline and you can play a preview.
  4. Not satisfied? Enter a new command to adjust it, such as "shorten to 15 seconds" or "add an ending".

Example of operationLet's say you've uploaded a video interview and you want to cut out the "product launch" segment. Type in "cut out about product launch" and Eddie AI will scan the audio and subtitles, find the relevant parts, and generate a rough cut for you to see.

Multi-camera editing

If your video is coming from multiple cameras:

  1. When uploading all machine files, mark them as belonging to the same project (select "Add to Existing Project").
  2. Enter a command, such as "Cut a conversation and switch the camera automatically".
  3. Eddie AI analyzes the audio and footage, using lip detection technology to determine who is speaking and automatically switching to the corresponding shot.
  4. When previewing, you'll see that it chooses different angles such as wide angle and close-up for a natural effect.
  5. Want to adjust manually? Currently multi-camera is AI fully automated, we recommend exporting it and fine-tuning it in professional software.

take note ofMulti-camera functionality is currently by invitation only, and you may need to request access. There is a "Request Access" link on the official website, fill in the form and wait for a reply.

Export Video

After the editing is done:

  1. Click the "Export" button in the upper right corner.
  2. Select the format:
    • Direct MP4 export for quick sharing.
    • Export XML files compatible with Premiere, Final Cut Pro, DaVinci Resolve and more.
  3. If XML is selected, download and open your editing software:
    • In Premiere, select "File > Import" to import the XML file.
    • The software automatically rebuilds the timeline and links the original video file.
  4. The export process is fast, a few seconds for small files, a little longer for large projects.

Features: B_roll Organizer

What is B_roll?

B_roll is a term used in video production to refer to "auxiliary footage" or "supplemental footage". It is usually not the main content (such as dialog or interviews), but additional material to enrich the picture and add a sense of story. For example:

  • You shoot an interview where the main character is talking, this is the main shot (A_roll).
  • You add some landscapes, street images or detailed close-ups, these are B_roll.

The purpose of B_roll is to make the video look more vivid and avoid monotony. For example, when talking about food, inserting shots of chopping and plating is B_roll.

Want to add auxiliary lenses to improve video quality?

  1. Upload the main video and then upload the B_roll material.
  2. Enter "Organize B_roll by topic".
  3. Eddie AI analyzes the content and classifies the material into categories such as "Landscape" and "People".
  4. Type "Insert Related B_roll" at the time of editing and the AI will automatically match and add it.

real-life exampleEddie AI will pick out the food dialog and match it with your uploaded landscape footage for a professional look.

Tips for use

  • clear-cut instructionsUse specific words, such as "beginning," "end," "a topic," and don't use vague descriptions.
  • Check Audio: If the video sound is not clear, it may affect the AI judgment.
  • Saving items: Click "Save" at any time to avoid accidental loss of progress.
  • Feedback for improvement: The official website has a suggestion channel to tell them what features you want.

Eddie AI's process is that straightforward. Upload the video, enter the commands, preview the result, export for use, and have a rough cut ready in minutes. It's particularly suited to people who need a quick outtake, such as journalists, YouTubers or marketing teams.

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Chief AI Sharing Circle

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