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DeepCode AI: AI tool to improve code security, code security, AI code review, automated vulnerability fixing

General Introduction

Snyk DeepCode AI is an advanced code security tool from Snyk that leverages multiple AI models and security-specific data to help developers quickly find and fix security vulnerabilities in their code.DeepCode AI dramatically improves development efficiency and code security by automating code review and remediation capabilities. The tool supports multiple programming languages and combines symbolic and generative AI techniques to ensure highly accurate vulnerability detection and remediation.Snyk DeepCode AI also provides simplified rule creation and management capabilities, making it easy for development teams to maintain and improve code quality.

DeepCode AI:提升代码安全性的AI工具,代码安全, AI代码审查,自动修复漏洞-1


DeepCode AI:提升代码安全性的AI工具,代码安全, AI代码审查,自动修复漏洞-1


Function List

  • Automated vulnerability detection and remediation: Utilizes AI technology to automatically scan code to find and fix security vulnerabilities.
  • Multi-language support: Over 19 programming languages are supported, covering a wide range of development needs.
  • High-precision scanning: Combines symbolic AI and generative AI technologies to provide highly accurate vulnerability detection.
  • Rule creation and management: Streamline the rule creation and management process with support for customized queries and rules.
  • Developer Productivity Improvement: Enhance development efficiency through automated remediation and comprehensive application coverage.
  • Data privacy protection: Self-hosted DeepCode AI ensures data privacy and uses verified open source project data for training.


Using Help

Installation and use

  1. Registration and Login: Visit the Snyk DeepCode AI website to register and sign in with a GitHub, Google, or Bitbucket account.
  2. Integrated Development Environment (IDE) plug-ins: Download and install the Snyk plug-in for the IDE you are using, e.g. Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA etc.
  3. Project Configuration: When you open a project in the IDE, the Snyk plugin automatically scans the code and displays the detected security issues.
  4. Viewing and Fixing Vulnerabilities: View the vulnerability report provided by the Snyk plugin in the IDE and click on the fix suggestion to automatically apply the fix.
  5. Creating and managing rules: Use the rule creation tool provided by DeepCode AI to write custom queries and rules, save them and apply them to the project.

Detailed Function Operation

  • Automated Vulnerability Detection: Snyk DeepCode AI scans code in real-time as it is being written, detecting potential security vulnerabilities and displaying them instantly in the IDE.
  • Automated repair recommendations: For detected vulnerabilities, DeepCode AI will provide fixing suggestions, and developers can apply fixes with one click to ensure code security.
  • Multi-language supportDeepCode AI supports 19 programming languages including JavaScript, Python, Java, C#, etc. to meet different development needs.
  • High-precision scanningDeepCode AI: Combining symbolic AI and generative AI technologies, DeepCode AI provides highly accurate vulnerability detection, reducing false positives and misses.
  • Rule creation and management: Developers can use the tools provided by DeepCode AI to write custom queries and rules to simplify the rules management process.
  • Data privacy protection: DeepCode AI uses verified open source project data for training, ensuring data privacy and security.

usage example

  1. real-time scanning: While writing code, DeepCode AI automatically scans for and suggests potential security issues.
  2. One-click fix: Click on a fix suggestion and DeepCode AI automatically applies the fix to ensure the code is safe.
  3. Customized rules: Use the rule creation tool to write custom queries to detect specific security issues.

With the above steps and features, developers can easily use Snyk DeepCode AI to improve code security and development efficiency.

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