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DCT-Net: An Open Source Tool for Transpainting Photos and Videos to Anime Stylization

General Introduction

DCT-Net is an open-source project developed by DAMO Academy and Wang Xuan Institute of Computer Technology of Peking University, aiming to realize the stylized conversion of images for animation. The project utilizes deep learning techniques to seamlessly convert natural photographs into various art styles such as animation, 3D, hand-painted, and sketched by means of Domain-Calibrated Translation.DCT-Net provides a variety of pre-trained models and supports the training of customized stylized data for personal entertainment, creative design, and the movie and game industries.



Function List

  • Provides a variety of pre-trained models covering a wide range of artistic styles
  • Support for training with customized style data
  • Online trial, no local environment configuration required
  • Efficient performance, supporting both CPU and GPU environments
  • Style conversion for images and videos


Using Help

Installation and Configuration

  1. Installation of dependencies: First you need to install the modelscope library, which can be installed with the following command:
    pip install "modelscope[cv]" -f
  2. Download pre-trained model: On the first run of the code, the model automatically downloads the pre-training file.

Image Style Conversion

  1. Define the model: Define five types of face styles to be converted by the DCT-Net model:
    model_dict = {
        "anime": "damo/cv_unet_person-image-cartoon_compound-models",
        "3d": "damo/cv_unet_person-image-cartoon-3d_compound-models",
        "handdrawn": "damo/cv_unet_person-image-cartoon-handdrawn_compound-models",
        "sketch": "damo/cv_unet_person-image-cartoon-sketch_compound-models",
        "art": "damo/cv_unet_person-image-cartoon-artstyle_compound-models"
  2. Load images and convert them::
    import os
    import cv2
    from IPython.display import Image, display, clear_output
    from modelscope.pipelines import pipeline
    from modelscope.utils.constant import Tasks
    from modelscope.outputs import OutputKeys
    style = "anime"  # 可选 "anime", "3d", "handdrawn", "sketch", "art"
    filename = "4.jpg"
    img_path = 'picture/' + filename
    img_anime = pipeline(Tasks.image_portrait_stylization, model=model_dict["anime"]) result = img_anime(img_path) save_name = 'picture/images/' + os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '_' + style + '.jpg' cv2.imwrite(save_name, result[OutputKeys.OUTPUT_IMG]) clear_output() display(Image(save_name))

Video Style Conversion

  1. Extract video frames::
    video = 'sample_video.mp4'
    video_file = 'movie/' + video
    image_dir = 'movie/images/'
    vc = cv2.VideoCapture(video_file)
    i = 0
    if vc.isOpened():
        rval, frame =
        while rval:
            cv2.imwrite(image_dir + str(i) + '.jpg', frame)
            i += 1
            rval, frame =
  2. Converting video frames: Style each frame using the same method as for image conversion, and then merge the converted frames into a video.



One-Click Installer Download

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