Recently Cursor started to block accounts, the client will show a message Unauthorized request, User is unauthorized
Pro accounts attempting to switch Enable usage-based pricing will be prompted with the message User is unauthorized.
Pro accounts attempting to switch Enable usage-based pricing will be prompted with the message User is unauthorized.
For those users whose Cursor accounts have been banned, this ban contains three main reasons
- The account was purchased from a third party-Most of these accounts are set up using stolen bank information and Cursor officials are now detecting and blocking these accounts. As a result, not directly from Cursor Purchased accounts will be blocked.
- Temporary e-mail address used-- Due to abusive behavior by accounts using temporary email address settings, Cursor officials are blocking requests from accounts using known temporary email addresses. The use of a standard email address provider, 例如, is required.
- Using a VPN -- Again, due to abuse, officials have had to block certain VPN providers from accessing the Cursor service. While Cursor officials do not believe that VPNs are inherently bad, they have had to block certain providers with high levels of abuse to ensure that the Cursor service is not distributed to regular users.
If you feel that you have not violated any of these, and see no reason to block, then you can go to the community and post a request ID under that post, and the community will respond to each one.
Because Cursor started canonical detection of accounts, it's possible that after theUnlimited White Cursorwould be affected
It is still recommended to upgrade your subscription from the official Cursor page whenever possible to reduce the probability of being banned!