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Large Language Modeling Unofficial Sales Channel API KEY Resources (OPENAI-based)

How did scalpers manage to make OpenAI's API-Key so cheap?

OpenAI 120 knives API-Key, just the amount of 120 knives, last year, many scalpers in December began to raise numbers in large quantities, a number tied to a dollar virtual credit card. The cost of opening cards in bulk is around 1-2 dollars. If it is a few thousand accounts from that dollar virtual card opening cost is even lower. The actual cost of the card is even lower. There is also a lot of profit to be made from selling a few dozen RMB. If the black card is 0 cost (black card is easy to block), sold that all is pure profit. And most of the binding good API-KEY account selling price in 30-100 RMB. So the scalper profit is still very substantial.
The number before August can also get a 120 knife credit, open api key is settled at the end of each month, so many accounts white whoring from 120 to a few thousand U.S. dollars. So for the purchaser also feel picking up the slack.

There are also white whoring ChatGPT resources forwarded as APIs, so be careful to screen them!


Ranked in no particular order, for example, the multiplier here generally indicates the price of the model currently provided by the site relative to the official original price, you can quickly understand the cost of your use based on these data, as an example, assuming that the multiplier of 0.2, that is to say, this site provides the price of the ordinary model of the official price of 20%, if you use the services provided by this site, in order to easily obtain a high degree of reliability and no dosage If you use the services provided by this site, you will save about 80% of the cost while easily obtaining highly reliable API services without usage limitations and solving the risks of payment, network and account wind control.

The market is confusing, note that multipliers are calculated using either USD or RMB:

Some sites 1:1 means 1 RMB to 1 USD.

Some sites 1:1 means 1 dollar for 1 dollar credit.

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May not be reproduced without permission:Chief AI Sharing Circle " Large Language Modeling Unofficial Sales Channel API KEY Resources (OPENAI-based)