基于 CrewAI 多智能体协作和 Cohere Command-R7B 大模型,系统能自动完成从研究到写作的全流程,像拥有一个 24 小时运转的新闻工作室
- 研究分析:由第一个 AI 助手负责搜索和整理与话题相关的所有资料,包括新闻、数据和专家观点。
- 内容创作:第二个 AI 助手将研究资料转化为结构完整的文章,确保专业性和可读性。
- 一键生成:用户只需输入话题,系统就会自动完成全部工作。
- 采用 crewAI,框架实现多 AI 协作
- 使用 cohere,Command-R7B 大模型确保输出质量
- 基于 streamlit,构建简洁易用的网页界面
- 在侧边栏输入想要了解的话题
- 可选择调整生成参数(如创造性程度)
- 点击生成按钮
- 等待系统完成研究和写作
- 可直接查看或下载生成的文章
同时创建一个 .env 文件用于存放它们相应的 API 密钥:
网页搜索智能体接受用户查询,然后使用 Serper 网页搜索工具从互联网上获取结果并进行整合。
设置 Crew,完成了!✅
AI 新闻生成器
该项目利用 CrewAI 和 Cohere 的 Command-R:7B 模型构建了一个 AI 新闻生成器!
获取 API 密钥:
确保您已安装 Python 3.11 或更高版本。
pip install crewai crewai-tools
SERPER_API_KEY=your_serper_api_key COHERE_API_KEY=your_cohere_apikey
import os import streamlit as st from crewai import Agent, Task, Crew, LLM from crewai_tools import SerperDevTool from dotenv import load_dotenv # Load environment variables load_dotenv() # Streamlit page config st.set_page_config(page_title="AI News Generator", page_icon="📰", layout="wide") # Title and description st.title("🤖 AI News Generator, powered by CrewAI and Cohere's Command R7B") st.markdown("Generate comprehensive blog posts about any topic using AI agents.") # Sidebar with st.sidebar: st.header("Content Settings") # Make the text input take up more space topic = st.text_area( "Enter your topic", height=100, placeholder="Enter the topic you want to generate content about..." ) # Add more sidebar controls if needed st.markdown("### Advanced Settings") temperature = st.slider("Temperature", 0.0, 1.0, 0.7) # Add some spacing st.markdown("---") # Make the generate button more prominent in the sidebar generate_button = st.button("Generate Content", type="primary", use_container_width=True) # Add some helpful information with st.expander("ℹ️ How to use"): st.markdown(""" 1. Enter your desired topic in the text area above 2. Adjust the temperature if needed (higher = more creative) 3. Click 'Generate Content' to start 4. Wait for the AI to generate your article 5. Download the result as a markdown file """) def generate_content(topic): llm = LLM( model="command-r", temperature=0.7 ) search_tool = SerperDevTool(n_results=10) # First Agent: Senior Research Analyst senior_research_analyst = Agent( role="Senior Research Analyst", goal=f"Research, analyze, and synthesize comprehensive information on {topic} from reliable web sources", backstory="You're an expert research analyst with advanced web research skills. " "You excel at finding, analyzing, and synthesizing information from " "across the internet using search tools. You're skilled at " "distinguishing reliable sources from unreliable ones, " "fact-checking, cross-referencing information, and " "identifying key patterns and insights. You provide " "well-organized research briefs with proper citations " "and source verification. Your analysis includes both " "raw data and interpreted insights, making complex " "information accessible and actionable.", allow_delegation=False, verbose=True, tools=[search_tool], llm=llm ) # Second Agent: Content Writer content_writer = Agent( role="Content Writer", goal="Transform research findings into engaging blog posts while maintaining accuracy", backstory="You're a skilled content writer specialized in creating " "engaging, accessible content from technical research. " "You work closely with the Senior Research Analyst and excel at maintaining the perfect " "balance between informative and entertaining writing, " "while ensuring all facts and citations from the research " "are properly incorporated. You have a talent for making " "complex topics approachable without oversimplifying them.", allow_delegation=False, verbose=True, llm=llm ) # Research Task research_task = Task( description=(""" 1. Conduct comprehensive research on {topic} including: - Recent developments and news - Key industry trends and innovations - Expert opinions and analyses - Statistical data and market insights 2. Evaluate source credibility and fact-check all information 3. Organize findings into a structured research brief 4. Include all relevant citations and sources """), expected_output="""A detailed research report containing: - Executive summary of key findings - Comprehensive analysis of current trends and developments - List of verified facts and statistics - All citations and links to original sources - Clear categorization of main themes and patterns Please format with clear sections and bullet points for easy reference.""", agent=senior_research_analyst ) # Writing Task writing_task = Task( description=(""" Using the research brief provided, create an engaging blog post that: 1. Transforms technical information into accessible content 2. Maintains all factual accuracy and citations from the research 3. Includes: - Attention-grabbing introduction - Well-structured body sections with clear headings - Compelling conclusion 4. Preserves all source citations in [Source: URL] format 5. Includes a References section at the end """), expected_output="""A polished blog post in markdown format that: - Engages readers while maintaining accuracy - Contains properly structured sections - Includes Inline citations hyperlinked to the original source url - Presents information in an accessible yet informative way - Follows proper markdown formatting, use H1 for the title and H3 for the sub-sections""", agent=content_writer ) # Create Crew crew = Crew( agents=[senior_research_analyst, content_writer], tasks=[research_task, writing_task], verbose=True ) return crew.kickoff(inputs={"topic": topic}) # Main content area if generate_button: with st.spinner('Generating content... This may take a moment.'): try: result = generate_content(topic) st.markdown("### Generated Content") st.markdown(result) # Add download button st.download_button( label="Download Content", data=result.raw, file_name=f"{topic.lower().replace(' ', '_')}_article.md", mime="text/markdown" ) except Exception as e: st.error(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}") # Footer st.markdown("---") st.markdown("Built with CrewAI, Streamlit and powered by Cohere's Command R7B")