What would happen if smart programming tools were used for automated writing? It would likely be a descending blow...
Why is that?
Trae Intelligent programming tools, as represented, have the following advantages over general writing tools:
- Will use better models, such as Claude3.5-Sonnet (Chinese writing is the best, but the high cost of using it is high, and it is not accessible in China)
- Longer contextual memory allows you to deposit more reference documents
- Agent-based automation of multiple rounds of tasks, similar to automated workflows (writing is more complex than programming logic)
- Easy to manage writing content management system, after all, it is a tool for writing code, easily hundreds of code files, managing some documents is still very lightweight.
- Complete with more complex copywriting needs.
Let's visualize the problem and see how Trae can improve efficiency in writing, copywriting, or even any job that involves writing.
Trae is good for what...
Article translation
It is possible to perform better article translations, once upon a time we wanted to perform better translations, such as using the translation workflow released by Ernst Woo, which performs multi-step translation proofreading, but there was no way for the average person to use it, so someone encapsulated the Translation Agent WebUI , the threshold of use for the average person since it's high, and I can't possibly customize a set of tools for each different over task, it's too cumbersome!
With Trae, you can easily execute translation workflows and complete batch translation tasks.
Rewrite of the article
Based on Trae's built-in Claude3.5-Sonnet model, what superfluous actions don't do is the best article rewriting tool on the market today, but you can do better by performing article rewriting tasks in a programming tool!
You can perform complete article rewriting tasks based on the four article rewriting steps of proofreading, adding, reordering, and outputting the article, with pre-set prompts, and make sure that each step of the task is perfectly executed in the Builder mode of Trae software!
Generate a working daily report
Daily work records can be recorded in Trae and saved as .md format files, or stored in the corresponding folders by week or month, and when you need weekly or monthly reports, you can generate them with just one click.
Generate tables, charts, complex infographics
Walt? It generates tables? Yes, it's not supposed to be hard for a programming tool to draw a table, is it... I've written a tutorial before:Generate all kinds of useful infographics with Cursor/Windsur for free!
After all that, why don't you do it? Copy that! Below I'll build an example of an article rewriting system, trying to be as complex as possible and covering more scenarios.
Build Your Own Article Rewriting System with Trae
1. Create a new categorized task folder
Preferably English name, just create a new one and confirm it, the file created will be used to manage all writing type tasks.
2. Create a separate set of folders for article rewriting
Why? If the daily writing is more similar and the writing process is more complex, it is easy to manage. For example, here I will create three folders: Original, Reference, and Output-article, respectively, to manage the original text, reference article, and output rewritten article.
Pay special attention to creating a fourth folder: Rule, the core logical execution directory for rewriting articles.
3. Design article rewriting workflow(usually not that complicated)
Step 1: Proofread the original text in the Original directory, generate a proofreading file in the Rule directory, and generate a rewrite optimization proposal.
Step 2: Study Reference Articles in the Reference Catalog
Step 3: Generate the rewritten article in the Output-article directory.
4. Write a "pivot" cue word
In order to accomplish the above workflows and to write a "hub" of prompts to coordinate all the work, Trae as an intelligent programming tool can essentiallyreliablyof executing this workflow. I will still design this cue word to be as complex as possible.
请严格按照以下步骤执行任务 ## 第一步:文章校对任务 读取文件夹Original中的文章原文1.md,根据上下文给出的校对规则在Rule目录生成校对文件1-1.md - 校对规则如下: 1. 校对文章中描述不准确、容易有歧义的内容 2. 校对文章中完全错误的内容 3. 校对文章中前后段落阅读顺序不合理,或前后段落缺少衔接的内容,对上下文进行内容补全。 4. 校对不符合简体中文读者阅读习惯的单词、句子。改进文章的拼写、语法、清晰、简洁和整体可读性,同时分解长句,减少重复。 5. 修正错别字,去掉多余的字和加上漏的字,没错的不用修改。 6.文章中涉及的公式统一使用HTML书写展示、公式不要用代码块包围,这回影响网页展示。 ## 第二步:学习参考文章 读取Reference目录中的1.md文章,记录在上下文。 ## 第三步:输出改写后的文章 参考生成校对文件1-1.md和参考文章Reference目录中的1.md,开始对Original目录的原文1.md进行改写,改写规则如下: 1. 扮演人类文作家要保持修正文章用词的"中文表达口语化"和"中文日常表达多样性(burstiness)"。前者衡量文本的错综复杂程度,后者则评估句子的灵活性。通常,人类作家会通过交替使用短句和长句来展示更高的灵活性。相反,由人工智能生成的句子往往长度相同。为确保您所提供的内容具有理想的复杂度和多样性水平,请务必牢记此点。 2. 采用第三人称写作,用品牌、人名、产品名...等,替代原文中的第一人称。 3. 在修正文章内容时,使用人类常用的措辞修饰方法,同时作为人类有自己独特的表达习惯,要模仿真实人类以此提升提升文章的独特性。 4. 允许在文章中加入新的内容,以此解决校对中发现的问题。 5. 校对代码块,对代码块格式化,不要在代码块中提供代码复制按钮等UI元素,代码块仅用三个冒号```分割。 6.修正文章时,请对文章整体规划合理的段落结构,每个段落子标题用二级标题"##" # 改写文章最终生成文件:Output-article/1.md
I wrote this on the spot, don't mind if it's unstable
The written prompts are saved in the root directory
5. Uploading of original, referenced documents
rewrite Baidu has come to its senses, and the Wenshin Intelligent Body Platform will have full access to DeepSeek! For example, first copy and paste the article to the appropriate location. (It is recommended that this link be converted to markdown format, which can be converted by pasting into https://markdown.tchepai.com/)
Searching for references, I randomly copied and pasted two related reports in Baidu
Note: Remember to save
6. One-click execution of rewriting tasks
So panicked... I'm not sure it's going to perform properly...
All you have to do is click on 1.md in the root directory of the quote (this is the prompt word for writing) and press enter
Seeing the log of conversations on the mission, it's not so bad.
Take a direct look at the final rewritten article (check out the test on the generated proofreading log on your own)
The title is not very eye-catching, rewrite it
unresolved issue
Image addresses that don't reference the context correctly
Article writing still follows the original format and lacks creativity
Well, to the end here, in fact, not only can rewrite an article, the original directory import multiple articles, simply modify the prompt word, you can batch process multiple articles Oh.